After the movie

Chapter 2394 Interstellar

Chapter 2394 Interstellar (four more)
And Ni discovered this, so she did not hesitate to risk herself, approached Luo Mi as a poisonous snake girl, became Luo Mi's bedside person, and successfully stole the information, and finally gave the information to Amy, and then married Luo Mi. The secret is the same.

The plot of the whole movie is very reasonable. Although the script is a bit old-fashioned, it still looks good.

However, Aimee Wu and Xie Jifan still glanced at each other, and then looked at Messi: "Messi, according to your level, you shouldn't accept such a script."

This script seems to be good, but for someone like Messi, it is not a first-class script, but it seems a bit insufficient.

Messi laughed, gave a thumbs up, and said: "Eva, I said that the two of them must be able to see it, you believe it now." Eva came out of the room, saw Aimu Wu, smiled and rushed Come over: "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, Aimee, your eyes are still so sharp."

"The script of feelings is a fake script created by you." Wu Yuyu scolded with a smile: "Why, your husband and children are not here, so you think you are free, don't you, you actually teased us."

Eva hurriedly raised her hand to beg for mercy: "Okay, okay, I was wrong. In fact, I can't blame me. This script is true, but it's just a script that I rejected."

Aimee Wu nodded knowingly: "By virtue of your status, this script is indeed not suitable for you."

Macy took out two other scripts and gave them to Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu: "Okay, this is the real script, take a look."

""Interstellar"" Aimee Wu knew that it was a future technology work when she saw the name of the script: "It should be a future work." Then she opened it and read it.

In the year 3557 of the interstellar calendar, with the development of science and technology, the ecological balance of human beings deteriorated seriously, and countless interstellar monsters appeared. In order to fight against these monsters, human beings began to explore and fight continuously.

Qiqi and Crystal grew up together. They are both orphans of interstellar wars and descendants of interstellar martyrs. As they grow up, they will also start to fight. In a battle, in order to protect Qiqi, Crystal, I was sucked into the black hole.

Ten years later, a young man in the interstellar world appeared in the interstellar world. The young people who appeared in the interstellar world were more powerful than the other. Qiqi met Hua and Locke through continuous training and wars. During a war, she accidentally got news that Crystal was not dead. , but drifted to a strange planet, she immediately went to find the crystal.

Crystal is back, Qiqi is very happy, but no one knows that Crystal is no longer a pure crystal. The monster's eggs have been implanted in her body. Locke was in love with Hua, but she was very contradictory because she knew that she was no longer human, and even killed the researcher who inadvertently broke into her secret because of this.

The impact of love and friendship made Crystal confused. Finally, she designed a trap, taking herself as the origin, bringing all the monster races into the black hole and exploding. The black hole was sealed. From then on, the monsters disappeared, and so did the crystal.

After the war, Qiqi and Locke also got married, and Hua Ze began to wander, hoping to find the crystal. Looking back, he saw the sun rising from the sea, just like the loving eyes of the crystal.

The whole story actually has very little love between children, but it is a commercial blockbuster.

(End of this chapter)

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