After the movie

Chapter 2408 Authenticity

Chapter 2408 Authenticity (eight more)
"What result?" Aimee Wu asked curiously.

Xie Jifan said: "It turns out that the pope is still a bit capable, and what they practice is the false light element."

"Pseudo-bright elements? Is there any authenticity of the bright elements?" Wu Yuyu asked curiously.

Xie Jifan nodded casually: "Yes, but this false light is without the power of real light. The reason why there is this false light is because there is a goddess of light among the gods of Western belief."

Wu Yuyu said: "So this Goddess of Light is a fake?"

"Well, according to our cultivation level in the East, the level of this Goddess of Light is just that of an old monster with a golden core, and he should be a cultivator, so he didn't really comprehend the light element, so he could only become a false light." Xie Xie Jifan explained.

"Even the false light elements belong to the light elements. Why does the elder brother look angry?" Looking at Ouyang Mingyue's expression, one could tell that he was actually angry at this moment, but Aimee Wu didn't understand why he was angry.

Xie Jifan glanced at Aimee Wu and sighed: "Pseudo-brightness is not real light. As a light element, it cannot have any bad flaws. Light with flaws is not light. It is very likely that it will become harmful to human beings." That’s why he’s so angry, as an immortal emperor, as he who may become a new generation of God of Light, it’s not easy for him to have counterfeit and shoddy products.”

Aimee Wu understood it. To put it bluntly, this is actually a copyright issue. Ouyang Mingyue is authentic, while the Pope is a counterfeit.

The Pope looked at the people in the air, and his expression changed for the first time: "Who are you?"

Ouyang Mingyue said indifferently: "You don't deserve to know who I am. Light cannot be forged. A believer of a little birdman dares to claim to be the endorsement of the God of Light. He doesn't take the God of Light seriously." With a wave of his hand, a bright breath enveloped everyone directly: "Fake light should not appear, so I expelled it. This emperor's appearance this time is just a warning. Next time, if this emperor finds out that you borrowed the god of light This emperor will destroy you all, especially you." After speaking, Ouyang Mingyue's coercion fell directly, and the Pope spit out a mouthful of blood instantly, his eyes were full of horror, "You are the light god?"

"You don't deserve to know who this emperor is." Ouyang Mingyue said very proudly: "This is my warning, I hope you take care of yourself." After speaking, Ouyang Mingyue disappeared in midair.

Because Ouyang Mingyue used some supernatural powers when he appeared, everyone only saw a figure of light, but not his appearance, but everyone believed that this was a manifestation of light.

Ouyang Mingyue appeared next to Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu: "Slap the truth and kill this fake." Ouyang Mingyue was filled with righteous indignation.

Wu Yuyu glanced at Ouyang Mingyue in surprise: "You are always peaceful, why do you look so angry today?"

Ouyang Mingyue said: "Isn't this normal? In your words, it's peers repelling each other. Besides, this false light is not the real light, so for people like me who have the real light element, it is absolutely The shame, naturally angry."

It turned out that this was the case, and Aimee Wu understood that this was a mood that made He Shengyu feel better. Fortunately, Aimee Wu herself didn't like to see the Pope, so she naturally supported Ouyang Mingyue's behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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