After the movie

Chapter 2410 Objection

Chapter 2410 Objection (ten more)
"Your Majesty the Pope, it is better to think carefully about what you said. Not everyone can talk nonsense like this. I don't know if others have heard it, but I have heard it with my own ears. The God of Light is not for the temple. He came, but he appeared for you to make money in his name, and he made it very clear that it was a warning." Some people were still dissatisfied with the Pope, so they directly said such words.

The Pope's complexion, this time Wu Yuyu was sure to be absolutely dark.

"There is blue in the white, and black in the blue. The black is not autumnal, and the purple is not purple." Suddenly, such a line of description appeared in Wu Yuyu's mind, and the Pope's current appearance is almost like this.

"But he's not a fan, so he can't reveal that beauty." Xie Jifan directly sarcastically.

"Keep your morals, it's not good for people to listen to your words." In fact, what Wu Yuyu thought in her heart was that this was really true.

Fortunately, the pope didn't hear the conversation between their husband and wife, otherwise he must be vomiting blood in anger, but in fact, his situation is not much better at this moment, the pope looked at those who opposed him with an indifferent look: "Why? , Judging by your appearance, it seems that it is all my fault."

"Where, you're the Pope. No matter how powerful I am, I'm just a small businessman. It's just that my family business is too small, so I can't provide much money. Please forgive me, His Majesty the Pope." .

"Our family doesn't have much money, please forgive me His Majesty the Pope." Someone also echoed.

"My family too." More and more people agreed.

"Hey, where is the Patriarch of the Giplist Family? When did you leave?" Someone originally wanted to find Leo, but he couldn't find Leo's shadow.

Wu Yuyu raised her forehead: "I was wrong, I forgot that you represented the Gipplist family to participate in this event."

Leo said with a smile: "It's okay, the Pope can't do anything to me. Although the Holy See has a long history, the Pope is the new Pope. His position has not been secured yet, so don't worry about what he will do to me. As for In the future, when his position is firmly established, it will depend on whether you give him this opportunity."

Wu Yuyu gave a thumbs up, absolutely agreeing with Lei Ao's point of view. Originally, as long as Ouyang Mingyue found out the origin of the false light energy and let Ouyang Mingyue deal with it, she would not believe that the pope had any ability to fool everyone.

The pope's face at the moment is really dark and purple, he has always been high above, and no one can disobey him, but at this moment, the people present are saying that they have no money. In fact, to put it bluntly, they are against him, against him It is against the Holy See. As the Pope, it is very normal for him to be angry: "Everyone, think about it, this is the Holy See. Do you want to embarrass the entire Holy See?"

"The Holy See also needs to be reasonable. Besides, we donate money to the Holy See every year. Why, this time we have no money, and you still don't believe it. If the Holy See is like this, we suspect that there is something wrong with our beliefs. Already." Someone refuted the pope's words very directly.

Hearing this, the Pope was almost angry, but he still suppressed his anger and showed a smile on his face: "Where, our Holy See has always advocated peace and freedom. Since everyone has no money, we will not force it. God is generous." , may God be with you all.”

(End of this chapter)

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