After the movie

Chapter 2441 So So

Chapter 2441 So So (One More)
"How does my master do?" Wu Yuyu asked.

Hei Yao didn't look at Aimu Wu, but just looked at the sky: "What do you think your master should do?" This is actually a rhetorical question? "

Aimee Wu was silent for a moment, remembering how she saw Gonggong back then, so she thought about it: "He will probably save you."

"Yes, save me." Hei Yao smiled helplessly: "I helped Zhu Rong deal with him, even if it wasn't my original intention, but I did it, I dealt with him, but after he knew the truth, he told him Will try to seal me, but in the seal he will add purified water, which is formed by the condensation of his water core, and use purified water to purify my darkness and help my dark heart to regenerate, but during this, the waiting time It will be a bit long, before the Heart of Darkness is completely condensed, I will not be able to break the seal and come out."

"Then why don't you come out now." Wu Yuyu said directly.

"I'm just a clone now, and I still don't have a body." Hei Yao looked at Wu Yuyu's words with dissatisfaction.

"Oh." Aimee Wu shrugged, "Go on and tell the story."

Hei Yao took a sip of the wine. Although the aroma of the wine was intoxicating, the bitterness in his mouth was even stronger: "I never thought that Gonggong would help me like that. Gonggong sealed me with his own purified water. When he sealed me Said, he told me not to worry about it, because he was making atonement. He actually knew that there would be problems with Zhu Rong's character, but he only wanted to make up for it, and never thought of destroying Zhu Rong, because the Vulcan God in the world only wanted him. , if it is extinguished, there will be no fire in the world, and the world will become less alive, so no matter what, Zhu Rong can't perish, so he can only try to use his ability to seal me, so that I can re-condense the heart of darkness. Of course, for Zhu Rong , he will also give punishment.” Hei Yao took another sip of wine: “Actually, I didn’t know what he was going to do at the time. I didn’t know until later that Gong Gong disappeared again, and this time, it was in front of Zhu Rong. Before she disappeared, Gong Gong said that unless Zhu Rong changed, he would never see her again in eternal life."

Hei Yao threw a fruit into his mouth: "I have to say that Gonggong's move is very popular, because of Gonggong's move, Zhu Rong almost collapsed, but her last rationality is to find Gonggong and talk to him. Explain it clearly, so Zhu Rong has been looking for Gonggong for so many years."

Wu Yuyu heard this, nodded first, and then looked at Xie Jifan, both of them had a trace of worry in their eyes, Wu Yuyu had already told Zhu Rong and Gong Gong that they were dead, and she was the new water god, so if Zhu Rong couldn't see Gong Gong, he must be nervous It will fall, and there may be problems with the fire elements in each universe: "Well, I have already told Zhu Rong that Gong Gong is dead." Wu Yuyu said slowly.

Hei Yao stopped drinking, turned his head slowly, looked at Aimu Wu, with a hint of shock in his eyes: "You told Zhu Rong that Gong Gong died."

"I was already dead, but now I just entered reincarnation." Wu Yuyu said.

Hei Yao's expression turned pale: "Zhu Rong will definitely not be able to accept what you say."

"I can see that Zhu Rong's expression seemed really bad at that time, but she left with Hong Liang at that time, why don't we ask Hong Liang for Zhu Rong's address." Aimee Wu said casually: "But Zhu Rong can't be extinguished, the new fire God hasn't appeared yet."

(End of this chapter)

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