After the movie

Chapter 2451 Delicious

Chapter 2451 Delicious (one more)
"Wow, I'm getting goosebumps." Eva rubbed her arms, with a look of unbearable expression: "Can you husband and wife not show your affection, every time you show your affection, people will be envious and jealous."

"Cut." Auntie Wu snorted, "You are because Jack is not by your side. If Jack is by your side, I dare say, you must be more powerful than us."

Eva snorted, "It's because Jack isn't by my side that I'm talking about you. If Jack was by my side, do you think I would talk so much to him?"

"That's right, if Jack was by your side, you would have shown your affection a long time ago." Wu Yuyu replied indifferently: "But fortunately, Jack is not by your side, so now I can enslave you to my heart's content, hurry up and wash the mushrooms."

"Wu Yuyu, you scoundrel." Eva stomped her feet. This mushroom is very difficult to wash, and the place where the fungus grows is more complicated, so there is a lot of sand on the mature fungus. The game is like a mushroom. Inside, there is a lot of sand and soil, which is very troublesome to wash, but if it is not cleaned, it cannot be eaten.

Auntie Wu said lightly: "Our great man in China said that we have enough food and clothing by ourselves, so dear, do it quickly, if you don't do it, there will be no hot pot to eat in a while." Auntie Wu threatened to make Eva almost hit the wall. On purpose, everyone knows that Eva likes Chinese food very much, if she doesn't have such a delicious hot pot, she must be in a hurry.

Auntie Wu went to the side to prepare hot pot bottom ingredients. She bought two boxes of hot pot bottom ingredients in the supermarket. They were all spicy, and Auntie Wu also wanted to make some non-spicy hot pot bottom ingredients.

The pots that Aimee Wu bought are all mandarin duck pots that have been carefully processed, that is, the different fruits have been separated in the middle. Aimee Wu intends to put a spicy base on one side, which is not spicy.

The spicy bottom material is very easy to make, as long as the water in the pot is boiled, then put the bottom material away, then add some butter, onion, ginger, garlic, and red dates and goji berries, it is a pot of spicy hot pot bottom, Wu Yuyu made it together He said to Carlo: "Actually, it is more convenient for you to make this on weekdays. There are many such base materials in the supermarket. After you buy it, just like me now, first boil the water, then put the hot pot base material, and then Put some green onions, ginger, garlic and red dates and goji berries that have been prepared just now. Of course, if there are lilies, you can also put them. Lilies moisten the lungs. Eating too much of this hot pot is easy to get angry, which is not very good for the lungs. Putting lilies can prevent These kinds of things happen."

Aimee Wu was cooking the spicy pot bottom, and started to prepare the non-spicy pot bottom. Aimi Wu made soup with big bones, then added a chicken, and kept boiling it with water. There were also star anise, fennel, cinnamon, and green onions in it. Ginger garlic, lily, red dates, wolfberry, lotus seeds, and mint have been simmering like this for about an hour. Take out the chicken, divide this pot of broth into a mandarin duck pot, and then put it on the induction cooker to start making hot pot. When the bottom of the pot is boiling, let everyone bring up the hot pot ingredients that have been prepared a long time ago.

The whole crew was divided into six groups, and they started to eat hot pot differently. At the table of Aimee Wu, there were only Xie Jifan, Aimee Wu, Ouyang Mingyue and Messi, and next to them were Eva Arlo Carlo and a staff member. Anyway, Everyone eats separately, and it tastes refreshing.

(End of this chapter)

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