After the movie

Chapter 2501 Flowers

Chapter 2501 Flowers (one more)
"Original Sin" is Wu Yuyu's first work directed and written by herself, and there is only one actor's work. If such a work is good, it can naturally enter the Scarlet Awards. If it is not good, it will probably drag Wu Yuyu and Xie Jifan down. Due to their own popularity, there will inevitably be many black fans attacking them, but Aimee Wu didn't say anything, but someone edited the clip.

In a large garden, surrounded by red roses, I saw two men with identical clothes and different temperaments coming out from the opposite side, then Li Guang pointed at Liu Qiang: "How dare you seduce my lover, I will kill you. "Only bloody, and then left only traces of the body being held, and then turned around and a woman appeared: "The person I love is not you." Then there was the questioning of the parents, and the whole film only lasted 50 minute and [-] seconds. But it is quite compact, as if it has become a small movie, and with the special effects and sound on it, the director Wu Yuyu was a little nervous watching it.

"The effect is really good." Aimee Wu said with a smile to Xie Jifan who was at the side.

That's right, three days after the release of "Interstellar", the box office has exceeded one billion, and Aimee Wu put the trailer of "Original Sin" on the Internet, especially the big characters on the trailer: Starring: Xie Jifan, Director: Aimee Wu, Screenwriter: Aimee Wu.It attracted a lot of people in an instant, especially looking at the clips in it, it made people feel the kind of human fear.

'I just finished watching "Interstellar" and started to look forward to "Original Sin". Your Majesty and Your Majesty are deliberately trying not to let me live. '

'After watching Interstellar, I found that the acting skills of Empress and Your Majesty have not regressed at all, but have improved a lot. I was feeling that there are fewer such excellent movies, but I saw the original sin movie, which made my blood boil instantly. I always feel that this is A horror movie. '

As a screenwriter, Niang Niang never knew what type of screenplay she would write. Now that I have watched it, I am looking forward to it. I don’t know when the original sin will be released. '

'Don't say anything else, just sit and wait. '

Countless waiters lined up, and Aimee Wu knew that she launched the original sin by taking the interstellar, which was a bit opportunistic, but it is undeniable that Xiaoguo is still leveraged.

"When do you plan to release "Original Sin"?" Xie Jifan asked.

Aimee Wu thought for a while and said, "I plan to go there during the Spring Festival. At that time, everyone will have a rest. It's not bad to go out and watch a movie for fun." Speaking of this, Aimee Wu tilted her head and looked at Xie Jifan for a while: "I also plan to send this movie to Going to participate in next year's International Awards, maybe you will get more international best actor awards."

There is nothing to say about luck, if it is an ordinary person, it will naturally be trembling, but Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu are both gods, so things like luck will naturally be on their side, as long as Aimee Wu does it, basically there will be no question.

Xie Jifan smiled and said, "Then I congratulate you in advance for becoming an international director."

Wu Yuyu said: "You said that if Messi knew that I was fighting for the trophy with him, would he come to me and ask for hot pot?"

"Should be." Xie Jifan laughed.

Wu Yuyu sent the finished film of Original Sin to Messi. Of course, this is to hope that Messi will point out some shortcomings after watching it. There is still hope that it will be corrected before it is released.

Macy didn't expect Aimee Wu to write and direct the screenplay by himself. He was surprised at first, but when he saw that Xie Jifan was the only leading actor regardless of male, female, old or young, he became curious.

(End of this chapter)

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