After the movie

Chapter 2528 Joe's Electric Chapter

Chapter 2528 Joe's phone call (eight more)
Wu Yanyu and Xie Jifan naturally understood, and they didn't think too much about this issue. As long as Zhu Rong is still there, the fire element will be balanced. Since Hei Yao made it clear that it will keep people alive, then the two of them There is no need to hold on to this matter.

"Hei Yao, if you don't admit it, Aimee's ability to become a god is thanks to you." Xie Jifan said, "But I still want to remind you that this is the earth. I hope you can understand this in everything you do. You have to think twice before acting, I don’t think I have anything else to say.” This time when I came to see Hei Yao, I was surprised, but I also understood a lot of things, so naturally Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu had no other opinions.

Hei Yao nodded: "Don't worry, I won't forget what I promised."

After Xie Jifan heard this, he stopped talking, just nodded to Hei Yao, and then left here with Aimee Wu, Hei Yao waited for them to leave before he remembered: "Hey, you haven't left the wine and fruit yet. "

A storage bag was thrown in the air, and Xie Jifan's voice came by the way: "I didn't want to give it to you, but because I am in a happy mood today, I will give you a little. I originally wanted to give you two storage bags." , because you put my wife into the Water God Palace, so half of it will be deducted, remember to eat slowly."

"I'll go." Hei Yao was speechless. It was Wu Yuyu who got the advantage. Although he took advantage of her not paying attention and drove her into the Water God Palace, she became a god after all. They didn't want this kind of situation. Yes, I just thought that I punched her, who are these people.But so what if he is dissatisfied in his heart, the fruit is in the hands of others, that is to say, the initiative is in the hands of others, he will give if he likes it, if he doesn't give it, he can't force him to give it, anyway, he is unlucky to meet Xie Jifan and his wife.

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu went back to the courtyard first, and then they got to the courtyard when they received a call from Qiao's family.

"Aimee, have you become a god?" This was Qiao Lao's voice, but at the moment it seemed particularly energetic.

Aimee Wu smiled and turned on the hands-free: "Yes, I just certified the God of Water. Is my family okay?"

"It's all good, it's just your two aunts and a few cousins, you have to find a way." Mr. Qiao said directly.

"It's okay, the Xie family also had this situation at that time, I will do well, don't worry, grandpa." After finishing speaking, Wu Yuyu said deliberately: "Grandpa, if you go out now, is there someone saying that you are a handsome young man?"

Qiao Lao was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed and cursed: "You just want to embarrass me on purpose."

Wu Yuyu laughed, and then said: "Because I became a god, the blood of my blood relatives will be changed into gods. The most direct ones are my parents and children, followed by my grandparents and a few uncles, and then there are a few cousins." Brother, it’s okay now, everyone’s blood is relatively close, so although the blood of Grandpa Qiao’s family is not as good as my direct lineage here, it is not bad, but as time goes by, the blood will become shallower in the future, so if you want to maintain With pure divine veins, the cultivation of future generations is very important."

Old Qiao understood that it was Aimee Wu who was telling how the Qiao family would go in the future, so she said, "Aimee, don't worry, I will supervise everyone in the family. If you can become a god, future generations will have a bright future."

"However, grandpa doesn't have to worry about one thing. As long as he is from the direct line of the Qiao family, the bloodline will not be too shallow. Therefore, if you want to keep the bloodline pure, you must let a few uncles and cousins, including the children who will appear in the future, not go out with the red apricot. wall."

(End of this chapter)

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