After the movie

Chapter 2541 Mingyue's script

Chapter 2541 Mingyue's script (one more)
Aimee Wu handed the script she had prepared long ago to Ouyang Mingyue: "Have you read this script?"

Ouyang Mingyue took over. The title of the play "Fantasy Fantasy" on the script was originally a very big concept, but Auntie Wu decided to make the name of the script. When she opened it, Ouyang Mingyue was attracted by the content of the script.

This is about an era of superficiality. In that era, due to the development of the right brain, there are all kinds of people, and people with supernatural powers can be found everywhere. However, in this environment, most people are still ordinary people. The protagonist Xuan He is an ordinary person with yellow skin and black eyes. He was originally just an ordinary teacher. He taught martial arts courses every day. Once he took the students on a trip and encountered a meteorite landing. As a teacher, he was very responsible. The student was sent out safely, but he himself was hit by a meteorite, which changed his life ever since.

He woke up from a coma and found that his whole person had changed, regardless of his appearance or physique. What's more, he also had a supernatural power. This supernatural power is very special, that is, he can see a person clearly. In the future, his ability has another feature, that is, it can be upgraded, and the requirement for upgrading is to devour other people's abilities.

From then on, he began his career of hunting evil and supernatural beings. On the surface, he is a gentle and refined person, and he treats his colleagues and friends very sincerely. But secretly, he began to look for supernatural beings as prey. At the beginning, all the people he found were criminals. Gradually, there were fewer evil people with supernatural powers, but he became addicted to the identity of a hunter, so he began to attack righteous people with supernatural powers, and he had a nickname of "Phantom".

When he attacked an upright person with supernatural abilities again, he found that this righteous person with supernatural abilities turned out to be his younger brother. The flesh and blood relationship and the upgrading of supernatural abilities wanted to conflict, and he ran like crazy. Later, he discovered that it turned out that he was addicted. Because the meteorite was causing trouble in his body, in order to treat this, he still started to compete with the meteorite for his body. In order to prevent himself from doing anything else, he actually used his own ability to seal himself up, and in that blocked space, he kept changing. With his own character, whether he can come out in the end has become a suspense. It can be said that the solution of the whole movie is an open ending.

Ouyang Mingyue can see that although this movie is not as abnormal as Xie Jifan's Original Sin, there are also many characters here. Ou Bi'an is first an ordinary person, and then a supernatural person. With evil ones, and then you have to compete with Meteorite, and Meteorite's soul has to be made into his appearance. It can be said that if Ouyang Mingyue starred in this movie, he would have to play four people, which is quite a test of acting skills.

"I want it." Ouyang Mingyue laughed, he likes the character setting in it very much, although some characters are a bit different from his original character, but he still likes it very much.

Aimee Wu nodded: "I knew you would like this script, I'm going to let Messi take a look and see if Messi wants to be the director of this play."

"You can arrange this." Ouyang Mingyue nodded without minding at all. If someone else seeks out Messi, Messi will never pay any attention to it. However, when Aimur Wu seeks out Messi, Messi will definitely treat him with caution. In fact, it is true.

(End of this chapter)

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