After the movie

Chapter 2682 Bronze Mirror

Chapter 2682 Bronze Mirror (four more)
It looked like a moon on the surface of the water, but when they walked in, Wu Yuyu and Xie Jifan realized that it was not a moon, but a bronze mirror. The most important thing was that this bronze mirror was actually only as big as a palm. With the light shining, Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu may not be able to discover it yet.

And when Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu arrived, they found a strange phenomenon. They found that there was no aquarium around the bronze mirror, but there were many aquariums in places where the bronze mirror could not be found. Could it be that Are you saying that this bronze mirror is a scourge for the aquarium?

Aimee Wu frowned slightly, if it was really a disaster, then everything would be destroyed.

Wu Yuyu and Xie Jifan carefully approached this bronze mirror. They didn't know what this bronze mirror was going to do, but they knew one thing. No matter what they did, this bronze mirror must have a secret.

"Be careful." Xie Jifan whispered to Aimi Wu.

Wu Yuyu nodded: "I will be careful." There is no room for her to be careless, if the bronze mirror is really potentially dangerous, she can't guarantee that she will be safe in the past, so naturally she has to be careful, for the sake of her lover, relatives , she must be careful.

The two walked over cautiously, the bronze mirror seemed to sense something, suddenly turned off its light, and then fell silent. If Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought everything in front of them was a dream.

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu didn't say anything, Wu Yuyu bent over to pick it up, Xie Jifan grabbed Wu Yuyu: "I'll do it."

Auntie Wu pondered for a moment, she knew that Xie Jifan was protecting her, so she nodded and said, "Be careful."

Xie Jifan smiled a little: "Don't worry, it won't hurt me." Then he began to approach the bronze mirror cautiously.

This bronze mirror is also interesting, maybe it felt the coercion from Xie Jifan, but when Xie Jifan approached, he backed up more than a foot, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu were stunned, and then laughed Wake up, the copper mirror of emotion is intelligent.

Seeing this scene, Xie Jifan cast a slight wink at Aimee Wu, the husband and wife don't need to speak at all, just with this action, they know that there is more meaning in the opposite, Aimee Wu smiled slightly, and made a slight gesture with his hand, In an instant, the water behind formed a hard ice surface. Because the ice is transparent, the bronze mirror didn't pay attention at all for a while. Perhaps it can be said that although the bronze mirror has intelligence, but the intelligence Not advanced yet.

"Don't retreat, you won't be able to retreat anywhere?" Xie Jifan said slowly, but the man slowly approached the bronze mirror.

The bronze mirror felt that someone was approaching it, and seemed a little panicked. It was about to back up again, but it hit the ice with a bump, and then landed on the bottom of the water with a squat sound. A circle of light flashed around the mirror, as if to say that the bronze mirror was knocked out.

Seeing this situation, Wu Yuyu almost couldn't help laughing out loud, it was so interesting.

Xie Jifan also suppressed a smile: "I told you all, I asked you not to withdraw, you return it, see, this time I knocked myself out."

After hearing this, the bronze mirror stood up straight up, and then swung twice.It seems to be complaining, if you two didn't show up, how could it be scared.

Xie Jifan said: "It seems that it likes this dizzy feeling very much, daughter-in-law, how about we make it dizzy for a while longer?"

(End of this chapter)

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