After the movie

Chapter 2690 Substitution

Chapter 2690 Substitution (two more)
Wu Yuyu glanced at Yiyi: "You should be glad that this is not a live broadcast room, if it is a live broadcast room, you are the one who has no face."

Yiyi didn't seem to expect Wu Yuyu to be so direct, so she said, "Wu Yinghou, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Smart people won't continue this topic." Wu Yuyu glanced at Yiyi, and then said to the director beside him: "Director, is this the only host here?"

The director also didn't expect Yiyi to do such a thing. Originally, Yiyi was very smart, and Yiyi was quite famous in the image of Suzhou people, and she always followed the generous and elegant route. But now, he found that choosing Yiyi was really wrong. He didn't expect that Yiyi would actually miss Xie Jifan. If he said it, they wouldn't have to broadcast this program in the future. After all, neither Xie Jifan nor Aimee Wu can be offended by anyone.

Xie Jifan glanced at Yiyi, and then said: "Director, change the host, you don't need to be too famous, as long as you work hard."

This is Xie Jifan. He likes to directly take other people's throats. For him and Wu Yuyu, it doesn't matter if the host is not famous. With the two of them, it is difficult for the host to think about not being famous. There is no need to find a right and wrong people come over.

The director nodded: "Then thank the actor, Wu Yinghou, you should take a break first, let's discuss it."

Yiyi didn't expect the result to be like this, this interview host was won by her with great difficulty, she didn't want to give up, she hurriedly said: "Thank you actor, I didn't mean it." Her eyes were shining with water, and she looked pitiful If it's an ordinary man, maybe he will really soften his heart after seeing this. After all, this Yiyi's appearance is not bad. Unfortunately, this Yiyi's luck is not good. She met Xie Jifan, who besides Aimee Wu and her daughter, has a great love for him. A hard-hearted man whom other women dismissed.

"Whether you intend it or not has nothing to do with me. Since you don't know how to host, find someone who can." Xie Jifan didn't give the woman any face, and said that the woman's face was so pale.

Wu Yuyu shook her head secretly, and had to say that this Yiyi was actually quite tricky, if it wasn't for Xie Jifan, other people might really be confused by her, but Xie Jifan only had himself in his heart, and the others didn't. Take it to heart, so she doesn't need to bother to guess the final result of doing so.

Yiyi never thought that Xie Jifan's heart is so hard, she has seen many hard-hearted people, but never thought that she would meet such a hard-hearted person, she is really anxious at this moment, and the tears in her eyes can't be held back , This is really about to cry. If this interview goes wrong, Suzhou TV Station will definitely not let her go. Although this is a local station, it is not easy to get into this local station. She can come in. She has good grades, and secondly, she is smart, has a good image, and can speak, but after today's incident, all her previous efforts have been reduced to smoke.

The director of Suzhou City TV Station rushed over upon hearing the news, and nodded after hearing what the director of the program said, expressing that he understood, and then said to Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu with a look of production and sales: "Thank you for the film emperor, Wu Ying queen , the staff is inappropriate, please don't mind."

Xie Jifan glanced at the head of the station, there was such a faint majesty in his eyes, but there was a smile on his face: "It's okay, the staff is not suitable, just change it."

(End of this chapter)

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