After the movie

Chapter 270 Clouded Leopard and Earl

Chapter 270 Clouded Leopard and Earl (fourth update)

"Hello." Auntie Wu's hands parted at the slightest touch. No one knew what danger was hidden under the politeness here, and Auntie Wu didn't want to fall into inexplicable danger.

Seeing this, Xie Jifan had a flash of approval in his eyes, but it disappeared soon.

Yunbao knew that the women around Heidi would never be simple, and he was not angry at Wu Yuyu's actions, but said: "It is said that many newcomers have come to this banquet, is Heidi interested in meeting them?"

There are two types of mercenaries in the mercenary world. One is the mercenary group, just like Xie Jifan, he is the leader of the three mercenary groups, and he is also a mercenary of the three S level. Tasks are generally picked up by the team and then completed in groups.There is also a kind of mercenary who is a single soldier, that is, a personal mercenary. This kind of mercenary will not join any team. It's a one-man battle.

This is mainly due to the limitation of mercenary levels. Mercenary levels are divided into nine types: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS, of which three S are the highest level of mercenaries. Currently, the entire mercenary world There are no more than five people. The mercenaries are all F-level at the beginning. If you want to upgrade, you have to upgrade according to the completed tasks and income. However, the general mercenary regiment rarely accepts those mercenaries who have just entered the mercenary world. Soldiers, this kind of mercenary is prone to accidents, and generally if you want to join a mercenary group, you need at least B-level or above.

Especially like Xie Jifan's mercenary group, the ranks in it are at least S rank, not even A rank, so those mercenaries who want to join are even less, unless some specialties are discovered.

And this time the banquet invited well-known mercenary groups in the mercenary world, and of course many newcomers came to try their chances.

"It depends on the situation." Hei Di said lightly: "The mercenaries in my mercenary group are all good at present. Of course, new blood is also needed, but it depends on whether they meet my requirements."

Of course, Yunbao knows Hei Di's ability. In the entire mercenary world, Hei Di is a legendary existence. No one has seen his true face. He has always worn a pharaoh mask on his head, but he is a mercenary. The emperor of the three major mercenary regiments, Raikage, Fenghuo, and Blade.

"I heard that there is another fun show today, will Hei Di participate in it then?" Yunbao asked again, maybe just curious.

Xie Jifan glanced at Yunbao: "It depends on whether it can arouse my interest." The implication is that if it is ordinary, he is not interested in participating.

"Hei Di, you are here." Following the greeting, a man wearing an earl mask appeared.

"Earl." Xie Jifan's greeting was even shorter.

The count looked at Xie Jifan, and then at Wu Yuyu who was beside Xie Jifan: "Is this the Empress Heidi?" This woman appeared, unexpectedly appeared now.

"My woman." Xie Jifan's introduction was really simple.

"What's the name?" the earl asked Aimee Wu.

Aimee Wu rolled her eyes slightly: "Empress Heidi, you can call me Empress or Madam, I don't mind."

Just now, when Xie Jifan was in contact with the Earl, Aimee Wu felt Xie Jifan's dislike for the Earl. Since Xie Jifan hated someone, Wu Yuyu felt that she had no reason to support and hate him.

The count was slightly taken aback, then nodded, the smiling mask seemed to express his mood at the moment, of course, no one knows whether this mood is really as happy as the mask: "Empress, it's the first time we meet, I hope you play here happy."

(End of this chapter)

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