After the movie

Chapter 2713 Leo has changed

Chapter 2713 Leo Has Changed (Fifth Change)
"What's going on?" Aimee Wu asked curiously.

Xie Jifan also noticed Lei Ao's change, thought for a while, and said: "It should be because Leo condensed into the Eastern Vulcan Godhead, that's why he transformed into an Easterner."

Xie Jifan mentioned a sentence, and Wu Yuyu understood: "According to what you mean, it's like a change of nationality. The original nationality of another country has changed to Chinese nationality, and it's like becoming a Chinese."

Xie Jifan nodded: "It should be like this. Although congratulations to Leo for condensing into a godhead, but now Leo can't go back to country m, at least he has to go back before he really becomes a god, so as not to be discovered by the Western Holy See. against you."

Westerners have an idea of ​​their own. If they know that people from their country have cultivated into the gods of the East, they will be called heretics. In this case, they will crusade against this person, including punishment for this family member, Leo It's fine if he's alone, there's a big family behind him, so he absolutely can't go back at this moment.

"I didn't think about going back at first." Leo planned to settle in China after handing over his career, and he didn't plan to return to country m, and if others found out that he had changed, he might be sad, but Leo wouldn't, because in In his heart, being an oriental person will bring him closer to Aimee Wu, so he is very happy with this ending.

"Okay, go back quickly and take a shower and change clothes, then go out with us to find my father and Xiao Ming." If it weren't for the importance of Lei Ao's condensed godhead, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu would have gone out long ago.

"Is something wrong with uncle?" Leo asked hurriedly.

"Well, I'm missing." Xie Jifan said: "We'll talk about the specifics while walking, hurry up and take a shower and change clothes, it stinks enough."

Leo smiled helplessly when he saw his body transformed by the godhead, so he hurried back to his room, took a shower, changed his clothes and came out.

After Lei Ao came out, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu took Lei Ao away in a hurry. Of course, before leaving, they told their family not to leave the barrier.

After Xie Jifan walked out of the barrier, he said to Aimi Wu: "You go to find Dad, and I will go to Xiao Ming."

Wu Yuyu nodded: "Be careful, we will contact you at any time, and Lei Ao will follow you."

"It's okay, if Lei Ao follows me, maybe we can get closer to some things." Xie Jifan took Lei Ao away, and Auntie Wu came directly to the Wannian Ganoderma lucidum.

The so-called Wannian Ganoderma is rare for others, but for Wu Yuyu and Xie Jifan, there should not be too much space in the sky, as long as you want it, there will be a lot, but these are used for alchemy, and they are rarely taken. If I came out to use it, if I knew that my father wanted this kind of thing, Wu Yuyu could give him a bunch of it, and there would be no problem.

Looking at the Wannian Ganoderma lucidum, Aimee Wu waved her hand, making all the supervisors stand back.

The real Ganoderma lucidum is as big as an umbrella, and the whole body is red, and the red color is like emerald, which is very clear and beautiful.No wonder Father Wu was pleasantly surprised when he saw it.

Aimee Wu closed her eyes and scanned the ganoderma with her spiritual consciousness. This ganoderma had already created her own space, and Wu's father was lying in the ganoderma, so he must be in a coma.

Aimee Wu looked at Ganoderma lucidum and said indifferently: "Either send someone out, then I will destroy you." After finishing speaking, Aimee Wu's pressure was directly suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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