After the movie

Chapter 2717 South Sea Blood Pool

Chapter 2717 South Sea Blood Pool (Ninth Update)

"Because you have Alzheimer's disease." Xie Jifan stopped talking casually, Hei Yao's complexion became even worse, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Xie Jifan, didn't I just hide such a little thing from you, why are you blocking me by saying this." Hei Yao looked at Xie Jifan dissatisfied.

Xie Jifan said lightly: "It's fine if you're not hiding something, if you didn't hide this, my brother-in-law wouldn't disappear, then my wife wouldn't be worried, if she wasn't worried, I wouldn't feel bad, so you Say, what sin do you deserve to die?"

After hearing Xie Jifan's words, Hei Yao actually felt a trace of guilt in his heart, and looked at Xie Jifan a little uncertainly: "Auntie Wu is really worried."

"Nonsense, that's her own brother." Xie Jifan said coldly: "Hei Yao, not everyone can be like the God of Darkness, calculating everything, and family affection can't be calculated casually. If you are human, you should Feel it well, but unfortunately, even if you are given the opportunity to be a human being, I'm afraid you won't cherish it."

Andre's body has already given Hei Yao this opportunity, but it's a pity that Hei Yao never regarded himself as Andre, but only as his own Hei Yao. , when getting along with Hei Yao, there is only interest, don't talk about feelings, and Hei Yao concealed this news this time, also because of interest, because this interest threatened himself, so he didn't say it, but it's a pity that he didn't say it, it doesn't mean he can Solve it, if he wants to solve it, he has to ask Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu for help, and this kind of help requires an exchange of benefits, but unfortunately Hei Yao doesn't understand, in the hearts of Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu, in fact, emotion is more than everything else, if this Hei Yao If you treat him with sincerity, you will find that what you get is far more than what you can get through the exchange of benefits, but he doesn't know it, so now Xie Jifan is arrested in the name of benefits.

Lei Ao glanced at Hei Yao, shook his head slightly, he didn't know Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu, he was afraid that it would be this dark god who endured hardships, of course, Lei Ao didn't think he was a good man, so naturally he wouldn't kindly remind him .

Xie Jifan stepped over the South China Sea and led Hei Yao: "Where is the blood pool?"

"This only works if there is a moon, otherwise there would be no such thing as a full moon night, just because on a full moon night, the tides and floods are different from usual, the yin flourishes and the yang declines, and the South China Sea belongs to the yang land. A vortex, shifting with the direction of the moon, when the full moon shines on the center, the blood pool will appear." Hei Yao will not hide anymore, now that he has reached this point, he will disappear if he hides Sincerely.

Xie Jifan nodded: "So that's the case, well, since that's the case, then just wait for the full moon, I think they will always appear." Xie Jifan calculated the time, it was the eighth day of the lunar new year, and there were still Seven days was the night of the full moon, but Xie Jifan did not intend to leave the South China Sea, or rather, he was thinking about how to let the dark race reach the place he designated according to his own ideas.

Xie Jifan threw Hei Yao to Lei Ao, sitting cross-legged on the sea and meditating, Leo grabbed Hei Yao and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Leo, tell me, how can the enemy arrive at the designated place according to our requirements?" Xie Jifan asked casually.

(End of this chapter)

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