After the movie

Chapter 273

Chapter 273
The Earl was at a loss for words for a while, that’s right, in the mercenary world there is a rule that the strong are respected, here, the fist is always the big one, no matter what method you use, as long as you can defeat the people here, then you are the king, this Hei Di knew the truth, and so did the Earl.

"Hei Di, I said this because I thought it was rare for us to be together today. Isn't your wife obviously slapping you in the face by doing this?" The count seemed to want to provoke the relationship between Aimu Wu and Xie Jifan.

Xie Jifan said nonchalantly: "I am willing, if you have the ability, find a woman to slap you in the face, my woman let alone slaps me in the face, even if it takes my life, I am willing to give it to her, because she is my Sure, if you have the ability to find such a woman, I'm afraid, even if you search all over the world, you won't be able to find such a woman."

Xie Jifan's poisonous tongue made the earl dumb again.

Wu Yuyu took a glass of drink from the side and drank it: "I'm tired from beating and thirsty. Fortunately, you have prepared some drinks, but to be honest, it would be better if it contained your blood. The blood of the loser is doomed." It can only exist as a drink."

Aimee Wu's voice was so gentle and her tone was so peaceful, but why did it sound chilly in the ears of the people present? The people present swallowed in unison, subconsciously moving a few steps behind.

Seeing this, Wu Yuyu was surprised: "What's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

Xie Jifan was also taken aback before, but when he heard Wu Yuyu's question, he laughed loudly: "No, you are right, you are too right, the blood of losers can only exist as a drink. Mrs. Mei Sha Are you right?" After Xie Jifan finished speaking, he casually picked up a rose in the vase in front of him and shot it out, and a person appeared on the pillar beside him, she was wearing a country R kimono and an ancient country R lady's mask, One can tell at a glance that this person is definitely from country r.

"Hello, Your Majesty Heidi, on behalf of our Emperor, I salute you. I heard that you are here, and our Emperor asked me to convey that I hope to see you." Mrs. Meisha looked very respectful, but it was a pity that she was here There will never be a sincere and respectful person.

"Don't talk to her." Aimee Wu suddenly said, "You can only talk to me." These words seemed to be full of infinite jealousy.

"Don't worry, my wife, apart from you, I really don't know how to talk to other women. This Mrs. Meisha is a man." Xie Jifan kindly explained to Aimi Wu, feeling very jealous of Aimi Wu happy.

"Men like to wear women's clothes and wear a woman's mask. Could it be that they are shemale?" Aimee Wu blurted out, and turned her head to look Mrs. Meisha up and down: "So you are a man."

"You are not allowed to look at him, you can only look at me." This time Xie Jifan was jealous: "He is not as good looking as me."

"Don't worry, I only have you in my eyes." Wu Yuyu's words were really slippery, regardless of other people around: "I'm just curious about transvestites, and I want to know whether the so-called transvestites are more female or male More."

"Ma'am, this Mrs. Meisha is definitely a man in body, but she is a woman in her heart, that's why she is like this." Although Xie Jifan's voice was not loud, it was not soft, just enough for everyone present to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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