After the movie

Chapter 2752 Vulcan War 5

Chapter 2752 Vulcan War 5 (four more)
Zhu Rong became calm after hearing this: "You talk too much, kid, and I won't tell you too much. Since a fight is unavoidable, let's fight." Zhu Rong looked at Leo and said, "Boy, don't say that the god didn't remind you, you will die in the hands of the god in the end, no matter whether you integrate the sky fire order or not, no matter whether you can condense the Suzaku, although you Condensation succeeded in godhead, but it is not a god after all."

"If I beat you, I will be a god." Leo was not in a hurry at all, and expressed his meaning very slowly.The expression was very clear, so clear that even Zhu Rong felt a kind of panic.

Zhu Rong is the God of Vulcan, and it is also the God of Vulcan produced from the fire. She started to be afraid, which means that Leo has given her a very strong threat, which can also be called coercion, which can make a god powerful. If there is no feeling of pressure, then the ability of this person must be higher than that of this god.

Leo's red eyes are more pure, and the red light makes people feel an indescribable majesty, that kind of nobility, grace, and determination, which makes people dare not look up. Zhu Rong's heart is trembling. I'm afraid it's really bad luck, but no matter what, she will not give up. Giving up means that she is not only giving up the god position, but also her eternal life.

"Then you have to be careful." Zhu Rong didn't show any weakness at all. With a wave of his hand, the surrounding fire swords flew towards Leo. He made a lotus seal, and countless fire lotus flowers appeared around him.

Obviously he is the God of Vulcan, and what he wants to represent is fiery passion, but at this moment, what people feel is his deep sense of holiness. Xie Jifan saw a flash of approval in his eyes when he saw it: " This Leo's ability is really different, it is unexpected that he can change the power of the fire element."

Fire originally symbolizes human enthusiasm, so people often say that feelings are fiery, but what Leo values ​​is the light brought by fire. Light is holy, so fire should also be holy. Burning everything is to leave this clean world to future generations, so his fire carries a holy light of protection.

"Guardian." Xie Jifan muttered in a low voice. In fact, he already knew Lei Ao's choice. I also know, so I didn't stop it, but I didn't expect that Leo could do it now. The fire of protection, this is the secret created by Leo himself. Although it is still very immature, anyone can feel Leo. It was the first time that Xie Jifan admired Lei Ao for everything he expressed, maybe Lei Ao broke through to Wu Shuang Emperor faster than himself and Wu Yuyu, because their hearts were not as pure as Lei Ao's.

No matter what Leo does, it is to protect, to protect what he wants to protect the most in his heart, so he has his own goal in everything he does, and his goal is to better protect Aimee Wu, such pure protection, Xie Jifan Can't help sighing, and then smiled, he and Aimee Wu thought too much, they had to be scruples a lot in cultivation, their relatives, friends, didn't want Lei Ao, so pure, so pure that they could abandon everything.

(End of this chapter)

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