After the movie

Chapter 2757 Zhu Rong's Death

Chapter 2757 Zhu Rong's Death (Ninth Update)
A new demon ancestor appeared, and she could see that the manjushahua on Gu Qinghuan's head was inherited from the demon ancestor Hongliang, which meant that Hongliang no longer existed. She couldn't figure out why this happened. Gonggong found the successor, she didn't see Gonggong until she died, but she was jealous of Wu Yuyu, because Wu Yuyu had at least met Gonggong, and even gave Gonggong a project, but she, the person whom Gonggong loved on the surface, But she couldn't even see the last side, so she hated Wu Yuyu, but it was just hatred. She always thought that Gonggong disappeared, so a new water god appeared, but only now did she know that everything was not as she imagined. as simple as that.

After Wu Yugu, first there appeared Vulcan to compete with him for Vulcan, and now the demon ancestor appeared again, so what does that mean? A group of new gods appeared, and they appeared quietly like this, so it can only be explained that the level of the legend of the gods is about to appear. Thinking of this, Zhu Rong couldn't help laughing, and then gradually laughed out loud, laughing and falling She shed tears, it turned out that she was actually just a pawn of others, at this moment she understood, from the beginning to the end, she was just a pawn, the reason why she was able to live so recklessly all these years was to play the role of her pawn .

Zhu Rong laughed loudly, as if he wanted to laugh out all the laughter in this life. He kept laughing, and the laughter revealed despair and helplessness. Finally, it seemed that he was almost laughing. Zhu Rong slowly put away his laughter and looked at Gu Rong. Qinghuan: "Are you here to kill me?"

"I promised Hong Liang that I will kill you." Gu Qinghuan replied.

"Just because I tricked him?" Zhu Rong said.

"Yes." Gu Qinghuan nodded: "Because of your calculations, let him see that the girl he admires can't get close to him, and he doesn't even dare to guard him. You have made him regret for life and life."

"So that's how it is." Zhu Rong nodded: "That's how it is. I didn't expect that the demon ancestor Hongliang would be tempted. Haha, it's interesting, but it's okay to die. Maybe I can continue to entangle with them in the next life."

"No." Gu Qinghuan looked at Zhu Rong seriously: "Even if there is a next life, Hongliang will never see you again, even if you walked towards each other, the end result is just passing by."

"Pass by, pass by, haha." Zhu Rong laughed again, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes again: "It turned out that in the end, I had nothing."

Gu Qinghuan looked at Zhu Rong, stretched out his hand, and a snake-shaped sword appeared in his hand. The manjushahua on his forehead seemed to be redder, and the whole person seemed to be more charming, only his cold eyes revealed his true nature Thought: "Zhu Rong, go well, don't meet us in the next life." Hands passed, the sword fell, the golden liquid fell on the ground, Leo on the flying carpet put down the wine, sat cross-legged, the golden liquid began to enter In Leo's body, the golden liquid gradually turned red, and the red flame imprint on Leo's forehead turned golden red. He became a real Vulcan, and as long as he reached the level of cultivation, he could become a god directly.

"Congratulations." After Lei Ao fully absorbed the fire element dispersed in the heaven and earth after Zhu Rong's death, he opened his eyes, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu congratulated at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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