After the movie

Chapter 2790 Script Analysis 1

Chapter 2790 Script Analysis 1 ([-] more)
Meng Lijun was so noisy by her maids that she could only go out for a walk. Her face had a bookish atmosphere, which made people feel peaceful and warm, and her elegant demeanor showed her background. You can tell her extraordinary without words. Squinting, but not dull, but full of brilliance in the eyes, such a woman seems to be the only color in this world.

Liu Kuibi was stunned and stared blankly at Meng Lijun.

Meng Lijun seemed to feel that someone was looking at her. When she turned her head, she saw a handsome and elegant boy in his twenties, but there was a hint of evil spirit between his eyebrows, which made people a little shocked. Although Meng Lijun came from a scholarly family, he was not cast down , just glanced at Liu Kuibi, Liu Kuibi walked away Shang Qin: "Liu Kuibi, the last general, I don't know how to address the girl."

Meng Lijun leaned slightly: "Meng family of Hanlin Mansion, I have seen the general."

"Miss Meng, please excuse me." Liu Kuibi seemed to want to say something, but Meng Lijun couldn't talk too much to a strange man, so she just bowed slightly and said goodbye. This flowing elegance caused waves in Liu Kuibi's calm heart. There was a trace of plunder in his eyes, he wanted this woman to be his wife.

After the performance, Xie Jifan looked at Zhang Wei: "How about it, do you understand?"

"Wow. Brother Xie, you can just kill me. The acting skills of you and Sister Wu directly brought us into the play. Why don't you come directly." Zhang Wei said directly.

"Nonsense." Xie Jifan scolded with a smile: "What we can do, you can do the same. We have also honed ourselves in various dramas."

Ou Manqing exclaimed directly from the side: "Sister Wu, you can kill me directly. After watching your performance, I think my Meng Lijun is very frustrating. You are the noble princess, and I am the girl on the side of the road." As soon as this metaphor came out, everyone who said it laughed.

Wu Yuyu said speechlessly: "What are you talking about, as long as you are in the center, you can become a princess. Okay, remember the positions of me and your brother Xie, as well as that demeanor and tone."

"Brother Xie, I don't understand why there is a hint of domineering in your eyes at the end." Zhang Wei asked.

"Good question, so it's not in vain." Xie Jifan praised with a smile before explaining: "Liu Kuibi's family can be said to be quite capable, her sister is a concubine, and her father is a duke. In our current words, he It can also be regarded as a member of the princeling party. He has been aloof since he was a child. Such a person never knows what failure is. In addition, he is good enough, so he doesn't think there is anything wrong with domineering. He likes Meng Lijun, so he wants to get Meng Lijun. In this way, there will be so many domineering behaviors in the later stage. If he takes it slowly, his chances are much higher than Huangfu Shaohua.

You must know that Meng Lijun is not an ordinary person. Although she grew up in a boudoir, she often listened to her father and brother talking about important court affairs. Somewhat appreciative, but Liu Kuibi's domineering in the later period made him disgusted. If you say this, and use modern words to describe it, Liu Kuibi is an excellent second-generation official, and Meng Lijun is a proud strong woman. A strong confrontation will naturally hurt both sides. So in the early days, Meng Lijun had no choice but to run away from home, and Liu Kuibi also lost the trace of her beautiful woman and was heartbroken.

(End of this chapter)

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