After the movie

Chapter 2800 Hurrying

Chapter 2800 hurrying (two more)
After hearing this, Lei Ao looked at Li Muli: "If she is taken away, then she is no longer your wife, and it is useless for you to do anything for him."

"No, you're talking nonsense, it won't be like this." Li Muli couldn't believe it: "I'm going to find Lingzi."

"Where is she now?" Leo asked.

Li Muli gave out an address, Leo glanced at Luis, Luis understood that someone had prepared a car, and then the three of them went directly to that address. Although this place is not a slum area, it is not far away. Fortunately, it is inside the house The conditions are not bad, it can be seen that Li Muli is actually a bit powerful.

It's just that there is no trace of Reiko in Li Muli's home, Leo sniffed it slightly: "There is the breath of the Holy See, if I guessed correctly, your wife should be taken away by the people of the Holy See." But Leo didn't understand What is more surprising is, what is it about this Gui Ling that can touch the Holy See, or is it that Gui Ling is already a member of the Holy See.

"Let's go to the Holy See." Li Muli turned around directly, and rushed out without waiting for Louis and Leo to answer. Leo smiled wryly when he saw this. He really didn't intend to alarm the Holy See, but Li Muli moved, and he couldn't Don't go, go here, I'm afraid I will really confront the Western Holy See.

Western culture and Eastern culture are not compatible, and Western beliefs and Eastern beliefs are also incompatible, and I think so. Western gods and Eastern gods each occupy half of the sky. If it’s just for fun, it’s fine, but if they really match up, I’m afraid it will cause a war between the Eastern and Western Protoss. Leo is not a person who doesn’t care about anything, nor is he the kind of person who forgets the consequences when his head gets hot, so I decided in my heart, no matter what, be careful and try not to conflict with the Western God. Of course, if there is a real conflict, Leo is not afraid of confrontation.

Leo had no choice but to follow them. Forget it. If it didn’t work, he would find reinforcements. Anyway, Leo didn’t think he would become a hero, so he didn’t make any comments for the time being. He just followed Li Muli with Luis Yiyi.

I have to say that Li Muli's driving skills are pretty good. The five-hour car journey took him two hours. It can be seen that at this speed, Leo feels that even if he is a god, he is not so popular. Toss it, it seems that I have underestimated the horror of people before.

Louis' complexion was also not good. When he got out of the car, the only feeling he felt was dizziness. Leo took out a elixir and gave Louis: "Take it, it will feel better."

Louis didn't refuse, and swallowed it. Sure enough, the feeling of dizziness and vomiting caused by the rapidity disappeared in an instant: "This pill is good. Where did you get it? Give me a few hundred pills."

"You're thinking too much. It's made by Aimee for me to defend myself. There are so many, there are hundreds of them. Are you sure it's not a dream?" Leo glanced at Louis.

Louis hurriedly said: "Hey, we are good brothers after all, how can you treat good brothers like this."

Leo had an innocent expression on his face: "Huaxia has a saying that is good. Brothers will settle accounts clearly. I am good brothers with you. You are pitiful. If you don't have a few hundred, you can share five of them, but you have to exchange them with money. .”

"No problem, how much is the price?" Louis said. He could see that this elixir was absolutely priceless.

(End of this chapter)

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