After the movie

Chapter 2803 Breaking into the Virgin's Palace

Chapter 2803 Breaking into the Virgin's Palace (Fifth Watch)
"Ahead is the Saintess Palace." Li Muli pointed to a European-style building in front, and said lightly.

The Saintess Palace, but the saints inside are not necessarily all superior. It can even be said that the Saintess Palace here is more of a special industry service organization, but these so-called saints serve relatively high-level People are either rich or expensive.

Lei Ao looked at Li Muli, who was not surprised by sadness and joy: "Are you mentally prepared? Although this place is not very good, the women here do enjoy a lot of things." The implication is that your wife Most likely voluntary.

"I know, I just want to take back that body. I don't think she wants her body to be a tool." Li Muli's voice was calm, maybe he had figured it out, but Leo felt that it was more like That calm before the storm.

"In that case, let's go, no matter how you come here, you must find out." Louis said.

The three of them cleverly avoided the surveillance cameras here and entered the Palace of the Virgin.

Li Muli seemed to know which room Gui Ling was in a long time ago, and entered a certain room very familiarly, and just after entering, he heard a lazy voice: "I said, I want to rest, Mary, don't bother me. "

"It seems that you are living comfortably here." Li Mu left the mouth.

This lazy voice came from Gui Ling. Gui Ling didn't expect that Li Muli would appear here. She was taken aback for a moment, then sat up very calmly, stood up, took the clothes on the side and put them on casually, then said: "You found it after all."

"Who are you? You are definitely not my wife. Where did my wife go?" Li Muli asked directly.

Gui Ling looked at Li Muli and said, "That's right, I'm not your wife. I used your wife's body. As the saying goes, it's seizing the house. As for who I am, don't worry about it. How can your wife have such a weak soul?" It might be compared to me, but of course I swallow it." After saying this, a trace of charm flashed in her eyes: "But I don't mind being your wife, as long as you want."

"Give me back my wife's body." Li Muli said directly.

"Return?" Gui Ling laughed: "This body is mine now, how can I return it?"

"Then get out of this body." The voice in Li Muli's eyes was filled with a special majesty.

"I haven't rolled yet, do you want to teach me how to roll?" Gui Ling was not afraid of Li Muli's anger at all: "Besides, the Holy See here, do you know the fate of offending the Holy See?"

"If you don't offend, you will be offended. It doesn't matter whether you end up or not, as long as you get out of my wife's body." Li Muli said directly: "You get out, and it doesn't matter what happens to me."

"It's a pity that I use this body very well and don't want to get out." Gui Ling spoke slowly, slamming every word, showing her seriousness.

"If that's the case, then I'll kill you." Li Muli made a move. Passionate people are often the most ruthless, and it's actually the best thing for him to do so.

Seeing Li Muli's attack, Gui Ling quickly dodges. That clever skill can show that it's not easy for her. She landed with one hand, supported it, and performed a 360-line backward somersault, cleverly dodging Li Muli's attack.

Leo clearly found that this person was dodging, with a black aura, Leo said directly: "You are not human."

(End of this chapter)

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