After the movie

Chapter 2806 Burning of the Virgin's Palace

Chapter 2806 Burning of the Virgin's Palace (eight more)

"Leo, if you can, you might as well burn this body as well, and leave the ashes, and it will be more convenient to bring back to the country." Li Muli was very indifferent and calm, but this kind of calm and indifference made Lei Ao and Louis' eyes darkened slightly. Only those who are really heartbroken will know the pain, but now they can't bring people back from the dead, so what they can help is to bring this body back.

"Okay." Leo nodded, since this is what Li Muli wanted, then let him do it once.

With a flick of Leo's fingers, the color of the flame became particularly bright. Gradually, Gui Ling's body began to turn into soot and dissipated in the air. Although Gui Ling who had seized her home wanted Lei Ao to spare her life, Lei Ao and Li Mu Even Li would not agree, so soon, only a layer of white ash was left on the floor of the house.

Leo took out a bag, opened it to the ashes, and saw the white ashes automatically entered the bag, then Leo handed the bag to Li Muli: "Take it, I'll seal it, except You, no one can open this bag."

"Thank you." Li Muli's eyes were a little dull when he finished the bag. His wife turned into a pile of ashes after all. She was still running around a few days ago, but now she is separated from her, but what can I do? It's better than someone taking her body and ruining it.

"Let's go." The pain still exists, but at least Li Muli is rational. Maybe a man is more rational when it comes to big things, even Li Muli is no exception.

Lei Ao glanced at Li Muli and nodded, "Let's go." The most important thing is for them to leave safely, staying here is not a good place.

"Should we burn this place down?" Louis said suddenly.

Leo raised his eyebrows, and instantly understood Louis' intentions. The owner of this place is dead, and someone will always find everything here, so it's better to burn it all, at least it can be regarded as venting his anger, regardless of the people of the dark race As for how Guiling was taken away, at least one thing is certain, the Holy See was definitely an accomplice, and since that was the case, at least one should take revenge.

"Okay, I'll do it." Leo smiled, and flicked his fingers, the house burned instantly, and then Leo smiled at Louis and Li Muli: "Let's go, unless my fire is finished, I won't If it is destroyed, we can find a chance to leave here."

"Yeah." Louis and Li Muli nodded, and then hurriedly found a place first, and soon someone found that it was on fire, so someone shouted: "It's on fire."

Although the Holy See has its own fire extinguisher, Leo's fire is a real fire. How can this kind of general fire extinguisher be able to extinguish it? Therefore, the fire is getting stronger and stronger. Of course, there are more and more people fighting the fire, but Leo and the others The three took advantage of the chaos and left the Holy See.

"Finally out." Louis stretched his waist.

Leo smiled: "I hope this matter will not let them find any flaws."

Louis looked at Leo: "Speaking of Leo, when did you have such a strong ability, why didn't you tell us?"

Leo glanced at Louis: "There is nothing to say about this kind of thing, it's just that my chance is just different from yours."

The car on the return journey was driven by Louis, and Li Muli kept touching the bag containing Lingzi's ashes, with an indescribable silence in his eyes, which represented the death of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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