After the movie

Chapter 284 Escape from danger

Chapter 284 Escape from Danger (Sixth)
Wu Yuyu asked Director Shi: "What are the cannibals afraid of?"

"I don't know." Director Shi replied.

Wu Yuyu raised her forehead: "Then how do we get there?"

"I don't know either." Director Shi said helplessly, he really didn't know, so he felt a little embarrassed when Aimee Wu asked him.

Aimee Wu sighed, opened her backpack, took out a book, and finally took out a book.

"Why do you still bring books?" Ouyang Di asked.

This book was actually bought by Aimee Wu at a system store once, and it recorded all kinds of dangerous objects in the world.

Aimee Wu glanced at Ouyang Di: "We need to make comprehensive preparations when we come out. This book can help us find the answers we want." After speaking, Aimee Wu erected the book to let everyone see the title "One Hundred Thousand Dangerous Objects in the World"

"You still bring this?" Ouyang Di said with a look of admiration, "Admiration, admiration, I didn't expect you to plan ahead."

Wu Yuyu smiled triumphantly, and then opened it. What Wu Yuyu looked at was the plant volume of the book. She said: "It is very important to prepare for an adventure. This book is a must-have for home travel." She read it quickly Author: "I found it. Plant Volume No. 70. There are three kinds of plants, piranhas and carnivorous plants. They basically need to devour ten lives to bloom a flower. The pollen has strong anesthesia skills, and the fruit is highly poisonous. The root system is the holy medicine for detoxification. It is most afraid of fire. If you encounter piranhas, just put the fire within three meters of it, and it will shrink quickly. It is best to collect piranhas and leave at this time. The general shrinkage time is 10 minutes. "

"Wow, there really is." Ouyang Di exclaimed.

"What a big fuss." Aimee Wu snorted, "Everyone, start a fire quickly. I think since these piranhas are medicinal materials, it's better for everyone to go back and make a souvenir."

Xie Jifan said: "I see you are curious."

"It's rare to come to explore once, and this kind of commemoration is still needed." At this time, a staff member had already brought a torch.

Director Shi went over with the torch, and sure enough, he was only three meters away from the piranha, and the piranha shrank at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

Seeing this, Wu Yuyu went to look for it to see if she could find the fruit. She really let her find three fruits, and dug three roots by the way, and then everyone left quickly.

Of course, these things were all done with the help of Xie Jifan. Others have no interest in piranhas, that is, Aimee Wu dug some out of curiosity, and put them in her backpack by the way, but actually threw them into the system warehouse.

"Aren't you afraid that the medicine will lose its properties?" Ouyang Di asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, I collect it for fun, and I don't care if it has medicinal properties." Aimee Wu laughed.

Xie Jifan smiled and shook his head, as long as Wu Yuyu is happy.

A group of nine people passed through the cannibal flower area smoothly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"This original stone forest is really terrifying. We just entered a little bit, and we encountered cannibal flowers." Shi Dao said.

Aimee Wu smiled slightly and looked at the sky: "I think we have to find a place."

"What?" Ouyang Di asked.

Wu Yuyu pointed to the sky, and Xie Jifan looked up: "According to the humidity and cloud cover, it looks like it's going to rain, we really need to find a place to rest quickly."

Everyone looked around, and Xiao Zheng pointed to the front: "Where is there a Shiyan, it looks quite big underneath, let's go there and have a rest."

(End of this chapter)

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