After the movie

Chapter 2868 Who is it

Chapter 2868 Who is it (ten more)
People from all over the world watched their families go back, and the only thing they were glad about was that some people wanted to study this situation. They asked a lot of people, but the answer they got was that they fell asleep, and then woke up to that place.

In fact, this is also the method of the man in black. He just doesn’t want people to be noisy. Besides, these people are going to return to the earth, so let them sleep all the time, and then wake up and let them ask for help Enough.

So, sometimes laziness is also a good way to solve things, just look at what this Lord has done.

Of course, the Lord is looking for someone now, and whoever he is looking for is naturally Xie Jifan. He went directly to the courtyard, and then pestered Xie Jifan: "Xie Jifan, tell me, what is going on? Let me explain clearly why I have not broken free from my fate."

Wu Yuyu didn't know this person, but she didn't know why, and felt that this person was a little familiar, but relying on her memory, if she met once, she would not forget it, but she had never seen this person in her memory.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Aimu Wu frowning, Xie Jiao hurriedly asked with concern.

Auntie Wu shook her head slightly: "It's nothing, it's just that I think I've passed him before, but he doesn't exist in my memory, so I'm very surprised."

Xie Jifan heard Aimu Wu's words, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. When he first saw this person, he also felt this way, but he never thought Aimu Wu would have this feeling. It seems that they should have seen this person before, but carefully Looking back, it seems that they really don't have this person in their memory.

"Who are you?" Xie Jifan asked the man in black.

The man in black raised his eyebrows, showing a ruffian look: "Guess?"

"Not interested." Xie Jifan also raised his eyebrows, he didn't want to be led by this person, so he said directly: "I don't care who you are, maybe we have met before, but so what, not now If you lose your memory, then it means one thing, you are not in the memory of our husband and wife, you are not an important person."

The man in black was stunned. He didn't expect Xie Jifan to give such an answer. Didn't he say that curiosity is a normal human emotion? Why doesn't Xie Jifan have such curiosity? The man in black looked at Xie Jifan unconsciously. Jifan: "Why don't you have this curiosity?"

"What do you want to do with curiosity?" Xie Jifan said: "I have never heard of curiosity killing a cat. You must know that cats have nine lives and all die. I only have such a life, so naturally I should cherish it even more. Therefore, Absolutely no curiosity."

"You don't, I do." The man in black roared: "Xie Jifan, tell me why you said that I haven't escaped my fate yet."

Xie Jifan looked at him with very serious eyes: "You really don't know?"

Looking at Xie Jifan's eyes, the man in black was taken aback, he really didn't know, now seeing Xie Jifan's appearance, he can be sure that what Xie Jifan said must be true, but after thinking about it, he just I didn't think that I didn't break free from my fate.

Xie Jifan sighed: "What are we cultivating for?"

"Naturally, it is for a better life. The strong are respected." The man in black responded straight away.

Xie Jifan shook his head slightly: "It turned out that this was your idea, no wonder you didn't break free from this fate, because fate has already seen through your mind."

(End of this chapter)

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