After the movie

Chapter 2882 Something Happened to the Supernatural Plane

Chapter 2882 Something Happened to the Supernatural Plane (24 More)
"Okay, now how about this supernatural plane?" Xie Jifan had no choice but to ask, although Xie Jifan's dojo is on the earth, but if people from other planes come to ask for help, Xie Jifan will also ask for help. dealt with, after all he is a god.

"We don't know where the superpower plane started. Some strange things happened. Some people's supernatural powers disappeared inexplicably, and these people who lost their supernatural powers would age rapidly, and basically they would die in just seven days. The time was particularly terrifying. Later, the elders of our supernatural world checked a lot of information and said, this is the doom of our supernatural beings. There will be a doom for supernatural beings every ten thousand years. That is the problem of essence. The past will evolve. Some bodies will become stronger and stronger, and some will become weaker. The supernatural beings on the supernatural plane also need to evolve. If the evolution is successful, the superpowers will be upgraded. It will dissipate, and now most of the f-level abilities have dissipated."

The calculation of the level of supernatural beings on the supernatural plane is different from the level on the earth. For convenience on the earth, one level and two levels are counted, while the lowest level on the supernatural plane is level f, and the highest level is level 3s. In the middle are f, e, d, c, b, a, s, ss.

"Originally, I thought that it would be okay for the F-level people who died anyway, but everyone knows that the first-awakened power users are all F-level people. If these F-level power users are all dead, then other level people will die. People with supernatural powers simply cannot support the supernatural world for a long time. After a long time, the supernatural world will become extinct due to insufficient follow-up power. The elder said, ours can only be on an alien planet, let us find a way to communicate with friends on alien planets Help, I thought about it and only knew the boss, so I came to the boss." Tong Fei made his intentions clear in the future.

Auntie Wu and Xie Jifan glanced at each other, Xie Jifan nodded: "Okay, I know about this, you are tired after thinking about it for a month, take a good rest, wait for me to figure out what's going on , and then find a way to help you deal with it."

"Thank you, boss." Tong Fei heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that as long as Xie Jifan agreed, he would not have to worry.

Although the news brought by Tong Fei was a bit shocking, everyone still had a conversation with great interest, and then Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu took Tong Fei away.

Back in the courtyard, Xie Jifan asked An Yan to clean a room for Tong Fei, and then took Wu Yuyu back to his own room.

"What do you think of the current situation?" Wu Yuyu looked at Xie Jifan. The news brought by Tong Fei still hit them after all. Is it a coincidence or a conspiracy? Whether it is a man-made disaster or a natural disaster, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu don't know yet.

Xie Jifan said: "Now we have two things to deal with, one is about vampires. Now there are no gods in the West. In the past five years, Eastern Taoism and Buddhism have spread quite quickly in the West. It didn’t replace their original beliefs, but it was infiltrating, I thought about it, let Leo and Hei Yi do this.”

"Leo is fine, are you sure that black clothes will agree?" Wu Yuyu asked.

Xie Jifan smiled and said: "If he dares to disagree, he won't be allowed to live here. He thought that he could live here after paying some rent. It's a good idea." Xie Jifan snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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