After the movie

Chapter 2895 Elder Heaven’s Helplessness

Chapter 2895 Elder Heaven’s Helplessness (37 more)
Elder Tian smiled wryly: "Why don't they know that what they are doing now is just to cover up their responsibility for doing wrong things first. The creation of supernatural beings is a failure of God, and God can live because of the existence of the Great Creator , the Great Creator created the world of gods and gave life to the gods. He didn't want the gods to plot against mortals. The Great Creator created the world, and there were a certain number of people. As a result, there were fewer ordinary people and more supernatural beings , if this is discovered by the Creation Great, it is likely to be destroyed, so it is absolutely impossible for people to discover this situation, so they want to destroy this supernatural being."

"It's absurd. I created supernatural beings for my own selfishness, and now I want to destroy supernatural beings for my own selfishness. What are these words? The world has not been consumed by God since the beginning of time." It can be said that at this moment Xie Jifan is really angry. These gods don't treat people as human beings at all. They want to destroy a plane. In the world where the strong are respected, Xie Jifan can understand, but he can't tolerate such an attitude. The important thing is that it will also involve other planes.

Xie Jifan is the God of Thunder, the God of Punishment, and he is the embodiment of justice. It absolutely does not allow such and such things to happen, so no matter what, Xie Jifan will not allow such things to happen.

Xie Jifan looked at Elder Tian: "Actually, you are definitely capable of saving this world." Xie Jifan did not ask questions, but affirmed.

Elder Tian sighed: "I can save them, but once I save them, I will stand in front of the gods, and the gods can judge me." Elder Tian said.

"Judgment, that is the right to create the world and the punishment of heaven, other gods simply do not have this right." Xie Jifan said directly.

"Yes, it is the right to create the world and the punishment of heaven, but other gods will use this name." Elder Tian said.

"Are you ignoring these lives just because you might borrow your name? Elder Tian, ​​are you worthy of those who trust you?" Xie Jifan looked at Elder Tian: "During the day, Tong Fei told me, You are the person he respects and admires the most, and he has said that you are a lot of luxury, but if you know that your selfishness is so serious, what do you think Tong Fei will think?"

Elder Tian was slightly taken aback, what Tong Fei thought was not important, what was important was that he could see disapproval from Xie Jifan's eyes, he pondered for a moment: "To tell you the truth, my ability can be destroyed I killed those zombie bugs, but I can't kill them cleanly, because mine has wind power."

The wind element does not have the ability to purify, and most of them use the rotation ability of the wind to kill those zombies, but there will be fish that slip through the net in the pit, and as long as one zombie slips through the net, there will be a large disaster, because it is absolutely impossible Something slipped through the net.

Xie Jifan glanced at Elder Tian, ​​this Elder Tian is not bad after all, as he himself said, his ability can indeed get rid of those zombies now, but it may not be able to get rid of them completely, so no matter what, if the zombies want to If they are eliminated, they must all be wiped out, otherwise it will still bring heavy disasters to mankind.

Xie Jifan thought for a while, and then said: "It's not difficult to get rid of the zombie bugs. The most important thing now is to find the corpse that cultivated the zombie bugs. Only if you don't get there, will you be considered a real success."

Elder Tian smiled wryly, "If I'm not mistaken, the corpse should be in the Demonic Beast Forest."

(End of this chapter)

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