After the movie

Chapter 2897 Do you want to destroy God?

Chapter 2897 Do you want to destroy God? (39 more)
In fact, this is understandable. If there is a lack of elements in the air, the quality of the air will change, and the temperature will become unstable. At the beginning, the zombies ate the wood elements, which caused the disorder of the elements in the space, which also affected the space here. environment of.

"The matter here is settled, and we can go back." Ouyang Mingyue didn't think that it would be so convenient to solve the matter.

Xie Jifan glanced at Ouyang Mingyue: "Where is the solution, and the god who arranged all this is still alive."

"You want to destroy God?" Ouyang Mingyue looked at Xie Jifan in disbelief.

Xie Jifan nodded: "It's normal for me to plan to destroy the gods. In fact, if this person hadn't been so mad at the time, I wouldn't have thought about destroying the gods. Besides, everything he did has no merit. Such a person , will naturally be wiped out, regardless of whether the person is a human or a god."

"Yes." Ouyang Mingyue nodded in agreement: "But we looked for the Forest of Warcraft just now, and it seems that there is no such person."

Xie Jifan said: "The corpse in the Demonic Beast Forest is just his layout, he didn't expect someone to tear down his layout, so needless to say, as soon as it starts to recover here, he will definitely find it, and now the zombies have been wiped out by us , he will naturally come to settle accounts with us."

"Is it because of those disgusting bugs?" Ouyang Mingyue has an absolute obsession with cleanliness, thinking of those bugs makes him feel uncomfortable.

Xie Jifan shook his head: "Not only because of those bugs, but more importantly, those bugs hope to cause harm to him in the future."

"What do you mean?" Ouyang Mingyue heard that there was something in Xie Jifan's words.

Xie Jifan said: "Zombies absorb elements, and they can't digest them at all. These elements seem to be directly provided to the creator who created the zombies behind the scenes. Now that the zombies are dead, he naturally cannot absorb wood elements. To be precise Said, not only can't absorb it, but also return all the original absorbed to this space, so that once in and out, it will cause great harm to his body. Tell me, under such circumstances, how can he not be angry? Why don't you want to settle accounts with us?"

After hearing this, Ouyang Mingyue understood Xie Jifan's meaning. This person is a typical example of stealing chickens without losing money: "Then we will live here for a while."

Xie Jifan nodded: "While we live for a while, we can also get close to that elder." Only Xie Jifan and Ouyang Mingyue know how much this closeness is.

Besides, when Leo and the others came to country m, because there was no Holy See, the people lost their faith. This was a blow to the people, so many people gradually became angry. They needed to repent and have a place of faith, but here But there is no belief, and Eastern Taoism and Buddhism are not allowed to enter here in country m, so at the beginning, it took a lot of effort for Taoism and Buddhism to come here, but relatively speaking, Taoism is easier to enter, because Taoism uses People from the Huaxia Sect only said that the Huaxia Sect would set up a practice class here, so the teaching of Taoism gradually began.

People who were originally at a loss had faith and naturally calmed down, but this calmness was not agreed by everyone, and many people still did not understand Taoism and Buddhism.

(End of this chapter)

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