After the movie

Chapter 2985 Seeking help

Chapter 2985 Seeking help (nine more)
The head of the Wang family is Mu Lian's husband. The head of the Wang family looked at Mu Lian and said, "Ma'am, look at the situation." Mu Lian naturally looked down on the head of the Wang family, but now it is her daughter who has the accident, counting her two daughters. She didn't live up to it, one had to marry far away because she offended Mu Junhan, and now the one next to her also offended Mu Junhan, if it was the concubines of Patriarch Wang, she didn't care, after all, she was her own daughter, so she didn't care No, besides, Wang's family is her husband's family after all, there is no one who wants her husband's family to be bad, Mu Lian said: "I'll go back to Mu's house to find my brother."

Mu Lian asked someone to prepare in a hurry, and then hurried to Mu's house.When Mu Fu heard that Mu Lian asked to see him, he was slightly surprised, and only asked the butler beside him: "Is something wrong?"

The housekeeper is also well-informed: "I heard that Miss Lingzhi offended the elder."

The father-in-law sighed: "If that's the case, what's the use of her coming to see me? Others don't know, but you and I know the character of Jun Han. Ever since his mother and I forced Ting Yu away last time, he has Hate us, if not for the little bit of blood between us, I'm afraid he would have killed us long ago, finally, when Ting Yu returned to him, his character changed a little, and there wasn't so much beating Kill kill, if you get angry now, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you."

"Then does the master want to see Mrs. Wang?" the housekeeper asked hastily.

"Forget it, since I'm here, if I don't see you, I'm afraid she won't be reconciled. Besides, it's not easy for her. It's not easy for a married woman. Let her come in and hear what's going on. If it's not serious, I will come forward. Maybe that child can save some face, if it is too much, then I will reject her face to face."

The butler agreed, and went out to bring Mu Lian in. As soon as Mu Lian saw Father Mu, tears burst into tears: "Brother, you have to make the decision for me."

"Sit down and talk, what happened?" Mu Fu saw Mu Lian like this, and there was a bit of pity in his heart.

Mu Lian hurriedly said: "I don't know how our Ganoderma offended Jun Han, we were injured, and we haven't woken up yet, but this matter is Ganoderma's fault, so we have nothing to say, but Jun Han issued an order, so we can't tell the truth." The family is the voice of the Wang family, he is trying to force me to death."

Father Mu was taken aback: "You said that Jun Han issued an order that the Mu family is not allowed to do business with the Wang family."

"Yes." Mu Lian nodded hurriedly: "Brother, I know that I have my current status in the Wang family because of our relationship with the Mu family. Now that the Mu family is no longer doing business with the Wang family, they will definitely vent their anger on me." Yes, brother, you must save me."

Mu Fu looked at Mu Lian: "Then what do you want me to do?"

Mu Lian hurriedly said: "Brother, can you persuade Jun Han not to do this casually, otherwise if you continue to do this, your loved ones will hurt your enemies."

The father-in-law smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Lian, don't you understand Jun Han's personality? At the beginning, I did something wrong with his mother. If it weren't for the fact that his mother and I are his blood relatives, I'm afraid he would have killed him long ago." We are gone, he doesn't even care that we are his parents, what else do you think he can care about, do you think he will listen to what I say?"

Mu Lian naturally remembered this matter: "Brother, what do you think we should do?"

The father of the screen sighed again: "Only one person can do this."

(End of this chapter)

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