After the movie

Chapter 3013 Belly Black Zeer

Chapter 3013
"Xie Tingen, can you stop talking about this." Zhao Feng's face was as red as charcoal just out of the oven, this bastard really has no limit.

"We've been husband and wife for so long, and you're still blushing, daughter-in-law. This kind of couple's affairs are normal, and they've done everything, so why bother talking about it." Ze'er continued to tease her daughter-in-law with a smile.

"Ignore you." Zhao Feng felt that if he continued to talk to this person, he would still be at a disadvantage, so he decided to ignore this person. By the way, after thinking about it, he was not allowed to enter the room tonight. One foot tall, Zhao Feng has always been innocent, and this kind of thinking is shown on his face. Ze'er smiled slightly, thinking in his heart that the daughter-in-law is still too simple, and I don't even think about it. If I don't enter the room, I can't marry her. Stealing out of the house, so the IQ is not at the same level, and it turns out that many things are easier to do.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng didn't know what Ze'er was thinking at the moment, otherwise she would definitely run away from home.It's just that after Zhao Feng was stolen out of the room by Ze'er that night and spent a crazy night in the living room, he wanted to cry without tears. This bastard said that the lower limit is already flattering him, and his lower limit is that there is no lower limit.

Seeing the daughter-in-law in her arms pouting and coaxing her to eat her own breakfast, the refreshed Ze'er was in a very good mood, sure enough she was full and could say anything.

"What's wrong with you husband and wife, Ze'er bullied Feng'er." Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu Ouyang Mingyue came here, just in time to see Ze'er coaxing Zhao Feng to eat.

Ze'er and Zhao Feng saw Xie Jifan and his party coming and stood up to greet them, but Zhao Feng's legs gave way and he almost fell down. Fortunately, Ze'er was supporting her all the time. Knowing what happened, she glanced at Ze'er: "You really don't know how to cherish the fragrance and pity the jade."

Ze'er raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Mom, you can't say that. You can't question a man's ability in this area, right, Dad."

The corner of Xie Jifan's mouth seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "Well, I have indeed grown up."

Zhao Feng blushed, and Wu Yuyu smiled slightly, took out a bottle of chalcedony and handed it to Zhao Feng: "Feng'er, drink it, it's good for your health, this kid is probably not serious."

Zhao Feng's face became even hotter, and he glared at Ze'er, then in order to hide his embarrassment, he took the chalcedony and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing Zhao Feng drinking the chalcedony, Ze'er asked Wu Yuyu curiously: "Mom, why did you and dad come to see me?"

"Your dad and I will check on everyone's situation, and we might as well check on your brothers and sisters first." Wu Yuyu said.

"Where did you come from?" Ze'er made tea for everyone.

"Your elder sister Jue'er." Wu Yuyu replied, then took a sip of Ze'er's brewed tea, looked at the place where Ze'er lived, and nodded: "This house is not bad."

"The environment here is actually similar to the 80s on our earth, but the people here didn't believe that there are gods in this world at first, and they think that even if there are gods, it has nothing to do with them, because this plane has become an abandoned star, but now I'm here , this abandoned star has gradually accepted the existence of the Dao of Heaven." Ze'er said seriously.

Aimee Wu looked Ze'er up and down for a while: "That's right, you seem to have collected your beliefs well, and it seems that things are going well here." Aimee Wu gave three good ones in a row.

Xie Jifan also nodded approvingly.

(End of this chapter)

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