After the movie

Chapter 307 God and Goddess Match 2

Chapter 307 God and Goddess Match 2 (Part [-])
"It depends on the situation." Wu Yuyu said, "As long as you can find the right ingredients, you can naturally make soup."

After Wu Yuyu finished speaking, she walked forward.

This time it's not a tour, but a trip through the Sunset Mountains, so they just need to go safely.

"Look, what did I find?" Aimee Wu was very excited when she saw a pond not far away. It turned out that there were wild bamboo shoots beside the pond.

Wild bamboo shoots are actually similar in taste to wild bamboo shoots. Wild bamboo shoots can only be eaten after deliberate cultivation. Naturally, wild bamboo shoots are quite good. They can be eaten not only cooked but also raw.

"I'm going to pick bamboo shoots." Wu Yuguo dragged her shoes and socks generously, rolled up her pants, and then got down into the mud by the pool.

Xie Jifan naturally also went down to help, Xie Jifan touched it for a while, and suddenly laughed: "I feel like I found something good." Then he picked it up, and it turned out to be a very big river clam.

"That's right, we can use bamboo shoots to fry a mussel meat, provided you find more mussels." Aimee Wu smiled and waved the bamboo shoots in her hands.

"No problem." Xie Jifan continued to touch the mussels, and Wu Yuyu naturally continued to pick bamboo shoots. It took about four to 10 minutes. Wu Yuyu picked two busloads of bamboo shoots, and Xie Jifan also picked out five or six. The big one is as big as a small washbasin, and the small one has two palms.

Wu Yuyu processed the bamboo shoots first, then found a place aside, and built a temporary stone stove with stones, then cleaned up Xie Jifan's mussel shells, and put them on the stove. Wu Yuyu took out some by the way. A small piece of butter for cooking was dissolved, and then the processed river mussel meat and bamboo shoots were fried, and some pepper was added, and there was a fragrance in the whole air.

"I really think about it." Xiao Zheng said at the side.

"Really?" Auntie Wu smiled and said, "You guys will try it later."

"Aimee, here." Xie Jifan found a bunch of mushrooms from nowhere, and Aimee Wu laughed when she saw it: "You really went to find mushrooms."

"I want to drink soup." Xie Jifan directly stated his purpose.

Wu Yuyu nodded, and took out a can from her package. This can contained instant food. Wu Yuyu distributed the food to everyone, and then filled the can with water. After the clam meat was cooked, put it in the Start to boil the water on the fire, and then put it in except the mushrooms.

Because the food is made entirely in the original ecology, it is a bit slow, and it took about an hour and a half for this dish and one soup.

After it was done, everyone started to eat meat and drink soup, and Wu Yuyu also casually divided each person with a raw bamboo shoot. Anyway, although everyone was not very full, they were still [-]% full.

After dinner, continue on the road, this adventure is what you see and hear along the way.

"Aimee, in front of you is the natural moat of the Sunset Mountains, be careful." Xie Jifan reminded.

The so-called Tiancha Line is actually a transparent glass tunnel through which you can see the scenery below. If you are timid, you will not dare to walk through such a tunnel.

"Aimee, actually this is quite safe." Dao Shi coughed.

Wu Yuyu glanced at Dao Shi: "Don't worry, I know how to walk, Dao Shi, do you have a cold?"

"No, no." Dao Shi waved his hand: "It's just that you don't have a fear of heights, right?" Dao Shi's final tone seemed a little uneasy.

Auntie Wu blinked innocent eyes: "No, in fact, if conditions permit, I like to jump freely, so you don't have to worry that I will be afraid, let's go." Auntie Wu walked forward after finishing speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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