After the movie

Chapter 3113 Shining Love 3

Chapter 3113 Shining Love 3 (Seventh)
Before she drank the cup, she realized that someone had taken the milk from her hand. Chi'er saw that it was Hei Yao: "I said Uncle Hei Yao, why don't you show up without anyone noticing?"

Hei Yao casually took a sip and said, "I don't call it ignorance, it's a coincidence, I didn't know that the place where I landed happened to be you here, but I'm hungry. So it's okay to drink a glass of milk from you. "Hei Yao said while looking at Chi'er.

Chi'er casually glanced at Hei Yao, then casually went to buy another glass of milk, came over after buying it, and took a sip.

Hei Yao looked at Chi'er drinking milk, and said with a smile, "Did you come out so late today just to drink milk?"

Chi'er smiled and said, "I just came out after finishing my work. If I eat late at night this time, I will easily gain weight, so I will drink a little milk."

"You're going to get fat like this?" Hei Yao said, looked Chi'er up and down, and said after a while: "We cultivators, everything happens from top to bottom, but we don't get fat. Your impurities have been removed, there is no possibility of gaining weight, you are teasing me."

While drinking milk, Chi'er smiled and said, "I'll give you milk, you can't finish talking, if you have the ability, don't drink my milk."

"I drank it." Hei Yao drank the last sip, then threw the milk cup into the trash can beside him, and then said to Chi'er: "I'm done drinking, I have no money, why don't I pay off the debt with my own body?"

"Get lost." Chi'er scolded with a smile, "You want an old cow to eat tender grass."

Hei Yao laughed: "That's a good point, it's good for an old cow to eat young grass, why don't you come and be my young grass."

"If you have the ability, tell my parents." Chi'er retorted with a laugh.

Thinking of the couple Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu, Hei Yao could only helplessly smile and said: "Forget it, your parents, I dare not offend you." He dragged Chi Er to the side while talking.

"Where are you taking me?" Chi'er asked curiously.

Hei Yao said: "I'll take you to sell it, and exchange it for some change."

Chi'er glanced at Hei Yao: "Do you think I'm that kind of idiot?" After speaking, he gave another beautiful glance.

Hei Yao felt a strange feeling in his heart after being brushed aside by her like this, he couldn't tell what this feeling was for a while, it was just that feeling anyway.Such a weird feeling made Hei Yao a little speechless, but if he was to let go, he seemed to feel that if he let go, he would have a regret, so he couldn't let go.

Hei Yao took Chi'er to a 24-hour snack bar. The snacks here are not many, but they are very special.

"How do you know there is a medicinal food restaurant here?" Chi'er asked curiously.

Hei Yao smiled and said: "What's the matter? It's very simple. I ate here last time. I was also introduced by someone else. The taste here is pretty good." He walked in with Chi'er while talking .

Chi'er ordered a cup of pigeon soup, and Hei Yao also ordered pigeon soup, because it was late at night, so they didn't eat much else, and their respective soups were the best.

Hei Yao saw how Chi'er was drinking the soup, it was obviously just a simple soup, but there was an indescribable charm, this charm made Hei Yao not know why, so his eyes kept following Chi'er.

After eating, Chi'er was about to leave when Hei Yao suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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