After the movie

Chapter 313 Filming of Act 1 Starts

Chapter 313 Filming of the First Act Begins (Part [-])

Aimi Wu went to the side to rest, and Sister Zhang came up and touched up her makeup by the way: "Aimi, you looked so handsome in the photo just now, I wish you were a real man."

Shen Muxue at the side laughed when she heard this: "Sister Zhang, if Aiminus of our family has really become a man, is it possible that you still abandon your husband and son and chase after Aiminian?"

"That's a must." Sister Zhang said while touching up her makeup: "A handsome guy like Aimee is the male god in my dreams."

After hearing this, Aimee Wu smiled lightly and said: "If there is a chance, I will tell my brother-in-law about this situation, and I will say that Sister Zhang is going to cheat."

"Let's talk, let's talk, let him come out of the wall, let him feel ashamed, and see what is called a male god." Sister Zhang had no objection at all, and finally nodded after putting some powder on Aimee Wu: "Okay, Makeup done."

Twenty minutes later, Aimee Wu got up. As a qualified actor, punctuality is also very necessary.

"The first scene, the first scene, action." Seeing that everyone was ready, Jin Tian started filming the first scene.

With the whistle of the cruise ship, the students returning from the empire on which the sun never sets happily disembarked from the cruise ship. Although the world is not stable now, this peaceful harbor still maintains the prosperity of the past.

A military vehicle hurried over, and the adjutant got off from it. He looked around, as if he was looking for someone.

On the cruise ship, Fang Jingcheng in a suit looked out of the window. Although he had already reached the shore, he was not in a hurry. He slowly put down the newspaper in his hand, stood up, and flicked the dust that seemed to be on his body slightly. He took down a black windbreaker from the hat rack, put it on, took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket, put it on, then picked up the suitcase on the side luggage rack, and walked out of the box.

Slowly walk out of the cabin door along the cruise ship road and step on the bridge leading to the shore. It looks like Guilan Yazhi, with a moon and blue clouds, and a slow smile on the face like a fairy, but the eyes glanced slightly All around, it seemed that something had been discovered, but they didn't stare in one direction, but still walked down the bridge slowly.

The adjutant looked at Fang Jingcheng with a look of joy, and hurried over: "Young commander, are you back?"

Fang Jingcheng handed the luggage to the adjutant, and took off the gloves calmly: "It seems to be very peaceful here?"

"It's all because of the presence of the Marshal and the Marshal. The lives of the people here are very peaceful and have not been affected by the situation outside." The adjutant placed Fang Jingcheng's salute in the back seat of the car, and made another gesture of invitation: "Young commander, please get in the car."

"En." Fang Jingcheng nodded slightly, and then got into the car.

The adjutant closed the door, got into the cab, started the car, and left the port.

"Come on." Jin Tian didn't expect that the first scene would be completed so smoothly. The first scene was mainly Fang Jingsheng's appearance, and it was also a rival scene between Fang Jingsheng and the male supporting adjutant. He is obviously a gentle person, but he seems to have a secret Fang Jingcheng.

"Take a break, let's continue." Jin Tian suddenly felt that it would be a pity if he was not filming in such a good state.

Wu Yuyuan came over, Wen Xia hurriedly handed over the teacup, Wu Yuyu took a sip, and said, "I never thought that Adjutant Chen would be played by you, Gu Ge."

That's right, it was Gu Qinghuan who was with Aimee Wu just now, and Adjutant Chen is also a relatively important character. Aimee Wu naturally knew that Jin Tianxuan would definitely invite some big names to come as guest stars, but unexpectedly, she fell in love with Gu Qinghuan as the male supporting role .

(End of this chapter)

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