After the movie

Chapter 3132 Chaos Abyss 12

Chapter 3132 Chaos Abyss 12 (six more)
They just look around vigilantly, as if they want to know what is around them. They rely on the nature of beasts. These pills are very attractive to them, but they dare not swallow them suddenly. They always wonder if there are people around here trying to plot Seeing them carefully looking around, Wu Yuyu couldn't help admiring them on the top of the hill: "It seems that this Chaos Beast is also quite cunning."

"Chaos beasts have the aura of chaos. They are born of chaos, so they are naturally cunning, but they are not divine beasts, so they are not cunning. It is easy for human beings to calculate them." Ouyang Mingyue said softly.

Wu Yuyu glanced at Ouyang Mingyue: "Just say that human beings are the source of cunning, needless to say, comparing this chaotic beast with human beings sounds weird to my ears."

Ouyang Mingyue laughed after hearing Wu Yuyu's words: "What's weird, I think it sounds normal, besides, you can't tell if human beings are indeed more cunning."

"Is that called cunning? That's obviously smart, okay?" Wu Yuyu glanced at Ouyang Mingyue, and then said lightly: "Why don't you understand, is the IQ of human beings comparable to these animals?"

"Didn't someone say last time that humans are animals too?" Ouyang Mingyue said with a smile.

Wu Yuyu glanced at Ouyang Mingyue: "You are talking about yourself, advanced animal."

Ouyang Mingyue was at a loss for words for a moment, so she had to change the topic: "Okay, the real show has begun, let's look over there." Ouyang Mingyue hurriedly pointed to the not far away.

There was a chaotic cub who smelled the aura of this elixir. There were adult chaotic beasts around, but they refused to eat it. It was so comfortable, it couldn't help screaming comfortably, this time, the other adult Chaos Beasts couldn't sit still, and began to find pills to swallow, and the swallowing was very comfortable.

Gradually, the original vigilance relaxed. It seems that these pills should be missed by others. As for why they are missed here, although they are Chaos beasts, they are not yet divine beasts, so they didn't skip the clever wisdom, anyway, they have aura That's good, so I started looking for pills unknowingly, at this time, Xie Jifan started to put the magic pill, and then watched the chaotic beasts fall down one by one, and they fell down after taking it. There is no way to give a warning, so all the Chaos Beasts will only last for a minute or two.

Seeing that the Chaos Beasts were all down, Wu Yuyu and Ouyang Mingyue went over to meet Xie Jifan, and then they started to get busy. They directly aimed at the place three inches below the neck, one knife at a time, anyway, it was quickly resolved, and then Put it away.

After finishing everything, Ouyang Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief: "This is the easiest time I have ever hunted a Chaos Beast."

"However, the later ones may be difficult. Although they are all chaotic beasts, the higher the level, the higher the level." Xie Jifan said: "It's strange to say that this chaotic abyss is really strange. Chaos beasts are here, and there is a difference in level."

After hearing this, Ouyang Mingyue said: "Actually, I also discovered this, but our upright people couldn't find out the reason for this, so in the past, we just completed the task and didn't think about investigating anything specifically."

(End of this chapter)

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