After the movie

Chapter 3174 Chaos Divine Embryo 8

Chapter 3174 Chaos Divine Embryo 8 (eight more)
It's not a difficult thing to carry weight on your body. Xie Jifan used to be a soldier, and he also had weight-bearing training when he was a soldier. Later, Aimee Wu also did weight-bearing training for physical exercise, so this kind of pressure and weight is not for them at all. What kind of.

The three of Xie Jifan kept moving forward, they were not in a hurry, they just walked slowly like this, and after walking like this for almost half a year, finally, they found that there were no plants to be marked by Aimee Wu at this moment, and this place turned out to be a forest castle.

The trees with vines on both sides are intertwined with each other, forming a natural scenery, and inside is a green castle, which exudes countless vitality. Ouyang Mingyue saw it and glanced at Aimee Wu: "This castle will not It exists for you, right?"

"You think too much." Wu Yuyu glanced at Ouyang Mingyue: "This castle is obviously transformed by the atmosphere of chaos, so how could it exist for my son, so don't think too much."

In fact, Ouyang Mingyue also noticed this chaotic atmosphere, but couldn't help asking to adjust the atmosphere between them.

"Then shall we go in?" Ouyang Mingyue asked, and Auntie Wu looked at Xie Jifan. This kind of matter was naturally left to Xie Jifan to decide.

Xie Jifan raised his eyebrows: "These days, we live and sleep in the open. We can't eat well and sleep well. It's not easy. Finally, we have a castle. Why don't we go in, let's go, let's go in?"

Sleeping in the open air, wherever you go, where you take the courtyard house, you can’t eat well and sleep well, you can’t finish the spiritual fruit, wine, spirit tea and chaotic beast meat provided by Wu Yuyu, and you can eat and chat on Simmons’ bed every day. It's not easy, and it's not easy to make them suffer.

Xie Jifan led Aimee Wu and Ouyang Mingyue towards the green castle. After entering, everyone could see more clearly that this castle was actually a tree hole. They walked into the tree hole and saw that there was a lot of space inside. , there is nothing else around, but everything is the breath of chaos.

"I'm going to break through." Ouyang Mingyue said, his cultivation has been deepening in the past few days, and breaking through is normal now.

When Ouyang Mingyue said this, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu also felt that they were going to make a breakthrough, so the three simply sat down together, and then started to make a breakthrough. To break through requires a lot of spiritual energy. The three of them are gods, and this kind of chaotic breath is even better, so here is a good place for a breakthrough.

The three of them each found a place so that their breakthrough would not affect the other two, and then began to make the breakthrough.

In fact, there is one advantage of breaking through here, that is, no one else can come, and no one else can come.

Xie Jifan obviously felt that he was going to break through, but he found that his spiritual consciousness had entered a very strange realm, no, it should be in the environment, he clearly saw himself coming in front of a stone, this time he clearly knew, He was not dreaming, so he could see the words Chaos God Stone written on the stone.

"You are here." The voice came from the chaotic stone, clear and familiar, it was clearly his own voice, Xie Jifan looked at the stone, and did not panic, but asked very calmly: "Are you who?"

(End of this chapter)

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