After the movie

Chapter 350 Decided

Chapter 350 It's decided (three more)

Seeing the woman saying goodbye, Father Xie pulled Xie Jifan to the side: "Decided?"

"It's decided." Xie Jifan glanced at Wu Yuyu who was talking to his mother not far away, with a trace of tenderness in his eyes.

"That's good." Xie's father didn't object: "But since it's decided, let's take her to meet your grandpa sometime."

"I know, this matter will wait for me to come back from Suzhou City, after all, it is very important for my father-in-law and mother-in-law." In the last sentence, a smile appeared on the corner of Xie Jifan's mouth.

Father Xie took a deep look at his son. This son has never let himself worry about him since he was a child. Regarding his recognition, as a father, all he can do is bless him. He patted Xie Jifan on the shoulder: "Since it is recognized, then Just live a good life, but your wife is not a little white rabbit."

"She has never been a little white rabbit, she is just a little fox." Xie Jifan said softly, how could the little white rabbit have a system to accompany her, if you have seen her performance at the mercenary party, you would not think that She is a little white rabbit now, and the current little white rabbit is just her appearance.

Sometimes Xie Jifan doesn't understand why Wu Yuyu likes to use this disguise, but since she likes it, he naturally has to cooperate.

Father Xie patted Xie Jifan on the shoulder again: "Okay, be careful on the road tomorrow, I heard that some accidents happened in the country these days, your apparent identity can easily make them confront you, so this trip Su City still needs to be careful."

"I know." Xie Jifan still had a gentle smile on his face: "I went because of my parents-in-law, they are not in my consideration."

Xie's father nodded knowingly: "It's good that you know." After speaking, he turned to greet Xie's mother: "We're going back first, Aimee. When we get home, say hello to your parents for us."

"Okay, Uncle." Auntie Wu has a cute face.

"Aimee, you must come to Xie's house to find me when you have time." Mother Xie looked regretful, she still liked Aimu Wu.

"Well, I will. Uncle, Auntie, be careful on the road." Aimur Wu smiled.

Xie's father and Xie's mother left first, Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu sent their car away, Xie Jifan looked back at Aimu Wu: "Why are you so cute today, unlike the usual you."

"Ladies should be reserved." Aimee Wu didn't think she had thick skin at all.

"Are you sure you are a lady?" Xie Jifan laughed.

"I'm not a lady, I'm a mature woman." After Wu Yuyu finished speaking, she laughed.

"It's not a mature woman, that's why I specially recruit you." After Xie Jifan finished speaking, he pulled the stunned Wu Yuyu to his car. He was going to Suzhou city tomorrow, and he probably couldn't enjoy himself for several nights, so he must cherish the time today.

The next day, Wu Yuyu got up rubbing her sore waist, waiting for Xie Jifan: "You are not allowed to touch me casually in the future." This person's energy is too strong, and she really can't bear it.

"Daughter-in-law, you have wronged me." Xie Jifan replied gently: "I never touch you casually, I touch you very seriously."

"Damn it." Wu Yuyu cursed with a smile.

Xie Jifan talked about taking advantage, but he still helped Wu Yuyu out of the hotel door with great concern. After all, he was full, but he couldn't treat his prey badly, otherwise it would be difficult to eat again in the future.

Auntie Wu was really tired. As soon as she boarded the plane, she took out her blindfold and fell asleep. Xie Jifan didn't bother her, and just took advantage of this time to deal with some of her own affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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