After the movie

Chapter 37 "The Way of Heaven"

Chapter 37 "The Way of Heaven" ([-]rd watch)

Wu Yuyu naturally did not refuse, took it with both hands, and looked at it.

This script is called "The Way of Heaven", written by the famous screenwriter Anya, and directed by the famous domestic director Du Fei.

The story mainly talks about the affairs of the heavens. Tianzun Taishi is the No.1 of the heavens. He is high above the sky and rarely pays attention to the affairs of the world. Once he felt palpitations and found that the three worlds of heaven, earth and man will have a common disaster, so he passed away and was reborn in the world. The most important thing is to resolve this catastrophe.

Taishi's reincarnated family is a family of benevolent people from ten generations.The birth of Taishi brought destruction to this family. It turned out that the secret impermanence real person wanted to unify the three realms of heaven, earth and man. He had planned for a long time. He knew that his only enemy was Taishi, so he figured out that Taishi was reincarnated, so he came to kill people. Taishi did not kill, but killed Taishi's family.

The reincarnated Taishi was rescued by the immortal Wuji Zhenren, and secretly guided him. In order to destroy Taishi's Taoist heart, Wuchang Zhenren ruled out the most beautiful charm in the secret path and turned into an ordinary person to approach Taishi. Taishi didn't know the truth and valued charms, but Mei's whereabouts were discovered by an epiphyllum spirit. The epiphyllum essence survived because a tear from Taishi thousands of years ago gave it aura. Therefore, epiphyllum spirit regarded Taishi as a benefactor. Now seeing that Taishi is in trouble, she stepped forward, but After a long time of contact, she fell in love with Taishi, Mei also saw her thoughts, kept provoking, and experienced countless psychological battles. At the beginning, the secret passage was destroyed.

The flower demon Wu Yuyu wants to play is the epiphyllum essence. In fact, one can tell from the name that the epiphyllum essence must be the end of death. It is hard to choose any flower, but I chose the epiphyllum. The blooming time of the epiphyllum is too short, just like this epiphyllum Like a spirit, it blooms beautifully and leaves behind fragrance, but in the end it dies.

Wu Yuyu discovered that this epiphyllum essence is not a vase. First of all, she can cultivate human form. Although Taishi's tear is very important, it is also the result of her hard work. Secondly, her emotional line is very rich. He lost his benefactor, and was once confused in order to get her, but finally he became sober and sacrificed his life to fulfill the way of heaven.

If it is said that Taishi showed the Dao of Heaven and boundless love, then Epiphyllum Essence showed the seven emotions and six desires of human beings.

"I like this role." Aimee Wu laughed.

"Are you sure?" Xie Jifan looked at Wu Yuyu.

Wu Yuyu nodded: "I'm [-]% sure, and the remaining [-]% ​​is an additional factor." For example, someone came in, for example, there were other famous celebrities who came to cut off the beard.

Wu Yuyu's words made Xie Jifan smile: "Don't worry, there will be no additional factors. I have invested in this drama, so there will be no additional factors."

Aimee Wu looked at the lines in the script: "As long as there are no additional factors, there will be no accidents here."

Although Aimee Wu also knows that her acting skills are only elementary in the system, but she believes in herself, there is absolutely no problem in acting this epiphyllum, after all, this epiphyllum is not the heroine.

In fact, this "Tian Dao" itself does not have a heroine, but some female supporting roles.

Taking advantage of the two hours in the car, Wu Yuyu kept memorizing the lines in it. Although she had never actually acted, she knew the importance of the lines. She watched the lines repeatedly and memorized them. Discussed with Xie Jifan about Epiphyllum Essence's character design, and arrived at the shooting scene without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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