After the movie

Chapter 49 The Busy Aimee

Chapter 49 The Busy Aimee (Third Watch)

For the next two days, Aimee Wu took Xiao Tan's scenes, and Aimee Wu's acting skills got better every day. On the third day, the screenwriter hurried over with a newly revised script.

"Brother Du, it's been changed." The screenwriter showed the revised script to Du Fei. Du Fei took it, opened it, read it, and nodded after reading it quickly: "Hurry up and distribute the character script to the relevant actors. "

The screenwriter is also very capable, and the specific script will be produced soon, and then distributed to the relevant actors. After receiving it, Aimee Wu started watching it.

Mei and Xiao Tan are completely different roles, Mei only has the orders of the secret Dao real person in her heart, so what the secret says is what she says, for her it is an order to approach Zhang Taishi, and it is instinct to seduce Zhang Taishi, this Xiao Tan is different of.

Aimee Wu received a call from Roria while thinking about the role. Due to special reasons, the second rematch of the feast of youth was two days ahead of schedule, so Aimee Wu hurried to the Imperial Capital Square after she had kicked out part of Xiaotan's part, where the rematch was held. The location of the second performance.

Fortunately, Ouyang Di has found her assistant, a young woman named Luo Man.

In fact, Luo Man already has a broker qualification certificate, but Ouyang Di gave Wu Yuyu to her. She naturally knew that it would not be easy for Ouyang Di, a gold medal manager, to value someone, so she was willing to be an assistant. Now that she is popular, she can exist as Aimee Wu's executive manager.

In addition, Ouyang Di also sent a nanny car to Wu Yuyu. Wu Yuyu had to say that Ouyang Di was really generous in this regard. You must know that he is just a newcomer after all.

Aimee Wu was reading the script on the road, trying to figure it out. Luo Man was very pleased to see Aimee Wu working so hard. Of course, she still had to remind her of things that should be reminded: "Aimi, do you know the test questions for this rematch?"

Wu Yuyu raised her head and shook her head slightly: "I don't know." She tilted her head and frowned slightly: "Ms. Luo Lia said that she would notify in advance, but I have not received any notice in this regard."

Luo Man laughed and said, "This time it's dance, and the test question is dance. It doesn't matter what you dance or the repertoire, you have to prepare it yourself."

Wu Yuyu was taken aback for a moment: "But I didn't prepare a repertoire?"

After hearing this, Luo Man also remembered Wu Yuyu's recent work content: "What dance music do you like, you can still find it now, but maybe I don't have time to familiarize you with the dance steps?"

Auntie Wu shook her head slightly: "Let's choose classical dance, what about the repertoire? Sister Man, is there a place to record Yaoqin music, and I will play a piece myself, so it should be no problem."

"You can play the guqin?" Luo Man couldn't imagine that the artist in front of him could have this ability.

Wu Yuyu smiled slightly: "I have learned a little, it is only enough for me to use."

"As long as you can use it yourself, I'll take you there." After Luo Man finished speaking, he turned the steering wheel and changed the road directly to the place he was familiar with where he recorded music.

Auntie Wu continued to be buried in the script, until Luo Man stopped the car and pulled her out again, and Auntie Wu woke up from the script: "Sister Man, are you here?"

Luo Man nodded: "Here we are, let's go, I'll take you in to find someone."

Wu Yuyu got out of the car and walked in with Luo Man. This place is very clean, but the occasional music can tell that someone is here.

Walking to a music room, I saw a young man playing the piano, Luo Man and Wu Yuyu didn't bother.

Aimee Wu is listening to the sound of the piano, which is "Whispers of Autumn" by Pachelbel

(End of this chapter)

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