After the movie

Chapter 5 6 Corners

Chapter 5 Hexagon
"According to what you say, my rebirth is your fault?" Wu Yuyu said directly.

Wei Nao said: "Yes."

"Then why are you showing up again now?" Wu Yuyu asked again.

"I reappeared for two reasons. The first is to tell you that if you want to live safely in this life and continue to use the Wu Family Numerology, you need to collect beliefs. The reason why your Wu family will perish is because of your Wu family. The numerology of the Wu family trades lives for lives, and this shortcoming can still be overcome, that is, as long as you collect enough faith, you can continue to use your Wu family numerology."

"Faith?" Wu Yuyu was puzzled.

"Yes, it's just how much people like you. Your Wu family is too low-key. Every time you do things, you act low-key. In the end, you are the ones who suffer. Heaven is not free to use. If you do good deeds silently in this life, The final result will not be any different from the previous life.”

"How do you collect the power of faith?" Wu Yuyu understood what Weinao meant.

"The laws of this world. I don't know very well. You have to find the collection channels yourself."

"Okay, let's talk about this, what about the other reason?" Wu Yuyu asked again.

Wei Nao said: "Because you found me and used your blood to replenish my energy."

Blood?energy?Auntie Wu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly flashed what happened during the day in her mind, and asked cautiously: "Could you be that TV-like accessory?"

"What accessories? I'm NH78 Nebula's intelligent and all-purpose microcomputer." The microcomputer said dissatisfied, "I just pulled your soul over, and there was a problem with the system, so I kept silent. Your blood is the blood of the Wu family." blood, spiritual, and thus awakened me again."

"Oh." Wu Yuyu said.

"Come on, quickly give me a name." Wei Nao was dissatisfied.


"That's right, you are my host. If you want to name me, I won't be able to truly integrate with you if you don't have a name. If we merge, you will find many benefits?" No matter how you hear the last words, there is a kind of big bad wolf a feeling of.

Fortunately, Wu Yuyu didn't care about it, she just nodded her head: "Oh, then you should be called Liujiao."

"Hexagon? What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I like it, can't you?" Aimee Wu is actually quite willful sometimes.

"Okay." Liujiao admitted that he was still not as strong as Wu Yuyu after all. When Wu Yuyu said this, it pinched it: "The name is Liujiao, and the host confirms it."


"The name Hexagon is confirmed, host, hello, I am Hexagon, the all-round micro-brain system from the NH78 nebula, according to your statement, that is, a micro-brain from the future that can integrate into the human body, my system includes various Training, including piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, martial arts, performing arts, etc. Everything in this world is here with me. The host can conduct selective training according to needs, but what is currently provided is basic training. If you want to wait further for training resources, you need The host gathers a large amount of faith energy to inspire further training."

Aimee Wu generally understands after hearing this. Feelings are the same as playing a game. It needs to be done step by step, but it is good to have elementary ones. Aimee Wu intends to try first: "I kind of want to learn martial arts, but I don't know how to train."

"The host only needs to sleep. I will pull the host's soul in for training. When the host wakes up, he will find that he has learned it." Liu Jiao replied seriously.

"Don't call me the host, call me Aimee, the host, the host, it sounds awkward." Wu Yuyu's ability to accept is actually quite fast.

(End of this chapter)

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