After the movie

Chapter 505 Fan Visit

Chapter 505 Fan Visits (Sixth)
"Director, don't make trouble, I'm hitting a rabbit." Jin Xinhui said this suddenly, and she seemed to be led astray.

"Director, hurry up and go, ah, it's the director, what are you talking about, look at you, I was killed by a rabbit." Nasha looked at the director complaining.

The director knelt down to draw a circle, why did he meet such bad guys.No, it's a weirdo.

Ouyang Di was not surprised at all when he received Xie Jifan's call, not to mention making bird's nests, as long as Wu Yuyu needed it, Xie Jifan, even the moon, would find a way to pick it up, so he calmly ordered people to prepare it.

The location of the sculpture was in the open-air square of the Imperial Capital, and many people saw it when they passed by, and among these people were fans of Aimee Wu and Xie Jifan.

'Brothers and sisters, I saw Heidi and the beauty in the Imperial Plaza, fortunately they are filming the celebrity experience. '

'Really, I am also from the Imperial Capital. '

'Or, let's go visit the class. '

'Okay, I will also participate, and I am also in the imperial capital. '

'On such a cold day, it must be very cold in the square, we need to prepare some warm food for the past. '

'Okay, my family owns a department store, and I provide them for use. '

'My home is a restaurant, and I'll go prepare food. '

'My family has quite a few cars, so I'll transfer a few over here. '

A group of fans started to prepare, and of course some people contacted Shen Muxue, and Shen Muxue hurriedly contacted Ouyang Di.

As soon as he heard that the fans wanted to visit the set, Ouyang Di hurriedly mobilized some security personnel, but nothing happened, although the Emperor Fan and Aimee Baby were quite well-behaved to a certain extent.

Aimee Wu didn't know that Aimee Wa and Emperor Fan were coming to visit the class, and she was busy playing games: "Tengzi, hurry to the left, or you will be killed by monsters."

"Okay." Kawano Fujiko became nervous.

"Aimee, I'm almost out of medicine." Nasha asked for help.

"Here, save some." Wu Yuyu hurriedly gave Nasha the medicine.

When the fans arrived, they saw such a scene. Five beauties were sitting on top of a charcoal-burning ice stove, and five handsome men were carving beside them.

Ouyang Di whispered to Xie Jifan, "Jifan, fans are here to visit."

Xie Jifan turned around, saw the fans, and smiled warmly: "Emperor fan, Aimee baby or CP fan?"

"Hei Di, don't wait for you, we are all merged now, we are all your fans anyway." The leader replied.

"Welcome, but I have to wait a while before I can talk to you, I have to carve first, otherwise the ice will melt soon, and you beauties will lose Wia.

"Ah." When the fans heard this, they consciously stood aside: "Hei Di, hurry up and carve, we will definitely not disturb you, but can we take your photos and post them on Weibo?"

"As long as the director doesn't mind, we don't mind either." Xie Jifan replied with a smile.

"Okay." The fans understood.

So I stopped bothering Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu, but went to pester the director.

Fan No. 1: "Director, this is the large down jacket I brought over, here it is, put it on, don't be cold."

Fan No. 2: "Director, this is the VIP card of my restaurant. It's only [-]% off if you go there. I also brought you sweet soup for you."

Fan No. 3: ...

Fan No. 4: ...

In short, the enthusiasm of the fans made the director speechless. Although some fans' Y language is not very good, their enthusiasm remains the same.

"Stop." The director made a stop gesture: "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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