After the movie

Chapter 512 Audition

Chapter 512 Audition ([-]rd)
Wu Yuyu looked at the content and began to think about it. In fact, the content is very simple, just a few lines.

The first sentence: it's you
The second sentence: I already understand the reason for your visit, and I can't help you.

The third sentence: do not know

The fourth sentence: Get out, otherwise, save your life.

There are no hints, only four sentences. Messi gave these four sentences, so it is not a test of Aimi Wu's understanding.

Aimee Wu has never read the script, but she heard from Eva that this is a fantasy movie. Since it is a fantasy movie, it needs to be decoupled from reality, but some places need to overlap with reality. Aimee Wu closed her eyes and began to imagine this What kind of situation is the character in to say these four sentences.

First of all, in these four sentences, there is very little emotional color, which shows that this character is cold, and to be precise, he may not understand world affairs.

The word "you" is definitely an accident. It means that you have known this person before, and it can also be set as having met this person. Familiar strangers often have surprised reactions when they meet each other. This character saves people, but she can't save them for some reason. It can also be understood that if you want to save people, you need to pay a corresponding price, and this price is to ask for people's lives, but she doesn't want to take people's lives casually , That's why I asked people to leave, and in the end the one who was begged had no choice but to say the last sentence indifferently.

It seems to be just four sentences, but it can be seen that although this character is indifferent but helpless, this makes Aimee Wu very easy to understand, because she is a person of Taoism, and many Taoism skills are unknown to others, just like in previous lives, It's like the Wu family saving people but using their own lives to make up for it. The rules of heaven are there, and it is impossible not to respect them.

Some people can say that my life is up to me, but it is all false. If there are people who can seize their own life, then there will be no sudden death, sickness, death, life and death in this world. Everything is destined It’s doomed, but it’s just based on everyone’s luck once in a while. Good luck can sometimes turn into bad luck, and bad luck can also turn into good luck. determined, not man-made.

The power of the sky is unpredictable, and only the ignorant and arrogant would say such a thing as the so-called man can conquer the sky.

From these four sentences, Wu Yumei even felt the sadness and helplessness in the character's heart. She also wanted to save people, but she couldn't save people for free. , How can she strike, so she can only arm herself with indifference and protect herself with ruthlessness. Once this kind of person's protective color is broken, his fate will also have ups and downs, and he may not even know whether he will live or die in the end.

In just a few minutes, Aimee Wu thought a lot, analyzed a lot, and gained a preliminary understanding of the role of acting.

"Aimee, are you ready?" Messi asked when 10 minutes came.

Wu Yuyu nodded slightly: "Okay."

Messi nodded slightly: "Let's start." After speaking, she sat on a chair beside her, and Eva and Shen Muxue also retreated to the side.

Aimee Wu walked to the middle, closed her eyes slightly, and opened them again, her whole aura changed.

She is no longer a gentle and gentle person, but cold and arrogant, with a trace of complexity in her eyes. She looks into the distance, as if she is thinking about something, like a goddess, but also like a helpless person, who has left the world, but is involved in it earthly.

(End of this chapter)

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