After the movie

Chapter 525 Emergency Moment

Chapter 525 Emergency Moment ([-])

Fortunately, there is a big rock not far from the lake, just enough for the two to hide behind and not be found for the time being.

"This is the lake. The police dogs didn't find it here. Maybe they went into the water." A man in uniform asked.

"Don't think about it, those two look like Miss Qianjin. You think it's a water diamond when it's in the water in this weather." The other said: "It should be nearby, let's look nearby."

"Yeah." The other naturally agreed, and then the two left.

As soon as the two left, Eva wanted to go out, and Wu Yuyu grabbed her: "Don't move, be careful that they come back again."

Sure enough, 5 minutes later, the two came back again, looking at the surrounding situation: "It seems that they are really not here, otherwise they would have come out earlier."

"I said earlier that you are suspicious. Hurry up, let's look elsewhere. If we don't find it, our heads will blow off our heads." Another said.

"Well, let's go." The man followed.

After the person really left, Auntie Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Eva up to the shore. She felt cold in the water, but this time when she went ashore, she had no dry clothes and could not enjoy the fire. Trembling.

"Aimee, what shall we do next?" Eva asked while stomping her feet carefully.

Wu Yugu said: "First find a place where you won't be found, at least for now, and warm yourself up." While talking, he clapped his hands, cursing the damned God in his heart.

After Eva was soaked in water, although she hadn't recovered all her strength, at least her limbs were no longer weak. Wu Yuguo supported Eva and walked towards the direction the two came from.

Fortunately, although the small forest is small, Wu Yuyu and Eva finally found a tree hole. It is not very big, but it is just good for hiding.

"Aimee, I don't have the strength to make fire, what about you?" The two of them didn't have any fire tools, so they could only think about the primitive method of drilling wood to make fire, but they didn't have the strength.

Auntie Wu took it over and began to drill carefully. After working hard for about 10 minutes, I finally saw a little spark. Auntie Wu and Eva didn't dare to put too much firewood on you, so they could only surround a little fire in the tree hole to keep warm.

Xie Jifan was very anxious at the moment. Through the video sent from Liujiao, he saw Wu Yuyu's current situation and her trembling appearance, and his heart was full of distress: "Ouyang, how long will it take to reach the destination?"

"I've been flying at the fastest speed, and I can reach the destination around midnight." This plane was specially transferred by Ouyang Di, and the speed is several times faster than the usual flight.

Xie Jifan nodded, took out another mobile phone and dialed: "Shi Lei, where are you now?" Shi Lei is the captain of Leiying, directly subordinate to Xie Jifan.

"Boss, we have now entered Yuanya Town." Shi Lei said.

"Immediately go to the grove [-] kilometers south of Yuanya to find my fiancée. I will send you her photo. Once you find her, protect her immediately and wait for my arrival." Xie Jifan instructed.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Shi Lei agreed, and then said to the other Leiying members: "The target is a small forest [-] kilometers south of Yuanya Town." The Leiying members quickly disappeared in Yuandong Town.

At the same moment, Jack and Leo led people into Far East Town.

"Hurry up." Jack urged.

Leo's face was still gloomy, as if he had thought of it: "Immediately send some people to stay in Yuanya Town to monitor, I will make these people disappear from this world."

(End of this chapter)

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