After the movie

Chapter 533 Acting like a baby

Chapter 533 Acting like a baby (fourth more)
After meeting with Xie's family, Auntie Wu also had a phone call with Qiao Lien. Qiao Lien became busier as the holidays approached. Auntie Wu did not arrange to meet with him around New Year's Day. Jifan went to Suzhou City together.

When we saw Mama Wu again, Mama Wu's belly had already protruded a lot. When Wu Yuyu came home, she happened to see Mama Wu taking a walk in her own community with the help of the nanny. Wu Yuyu didn't care about Xie Jifan, she just happily went to help Mama Wu , looking at Mama Wu's stomach: "Mom, brother or sister is okay."

Mother Wu's face was full of maternal brilliance: "It's okay." Then she looked at Aimu Wu and said, "The complexion is not very good, it seems that I have suffered a lot outside."

"In foreign countries, there are only bread and steak and burgers, which is a bit uncomfortable." Aimee Wu acted like a baby to Mama Wu.

"Naturally, this foreigner grew up eating blood-stained beef. Naturally, you are not used to it. In fact, I think you should be sent to this kind of place in the future." Mother Wu only feels far away from foreign countries, even though she is now I have changed my identity, but I still don’t like everything abroad.

Aimee Wu also didn't explain: "Actually, I don't like everything abroad. Although the atmosphere abroad is good, I still feel that my home is good. I miss my mother's food when I go out. But now that my mother has younger brothers and sisters, I'm afraid she will fall out of favor. "After speaking, he deliberately sighed.

After hearing this, Mama Wu laughed and cursed: "Nonsense, you can't fall out of favor without falling out of favor. You can't talk nonsense." Then she patted Aimu Wu's hand: "I'll make dumplings for you later."

"Aimee, hurry up and help your mother to come and rest." The old lady shouted, "I said that you have been walking for such a long time today, and Aimie came back with affection, mother and daughter are whispering."

I care about the safety of Mr. Qiao and the old lady. Basically all the houses near here have been bought, and they are all occupied by security personnel, so there is no danger for Mama Wu to take a walk here, and there is no need for anyone to worry about the old lady coming out.

"Grandma." Wu Yuyu helped Mama Wu to the past, and greeted her from afar.

"It's good to come back, come in quickly, you child, the luggage is brought in by Jifan." It turned out that the old lady knew that the young couple had returned when she saw Xie Jifan took the luggage into the door, because she wanted to see her granddaughter sooner, so Just come out first.

"Grandma, I'm abroad and I really don't like foreign food, but I went to Chinatown. Although the Chinese food there is still not as authentic as ours in China, it is barely edible, but I miss it when I eat it. Grandma and mother's craftsmanship." Wu Yuyu's coquettish appearance made the old lady especially useful.

The old lady also has a granddaughter, but since her mother died, Qiao Mai seldom came to visit Qiao and the old lady, so the old lady only felt that her granddaughter was her granddaughter when she saw Aimee Wu. Special comforting post: "Okay, when you get home, grandma will wrap you up with dumplings."

People in the north eat dumplings during Chinese New Year, while people in the south eat more mixed ones. In some places, they eat dumplings, which represent the time of children; in some places, they eat dumplings, which represent the time of reunion;And the custom in Suzhou City is to eat dumpling.

What is dumpling, dumpling is actually a change of glutinous rice balls, it is said that glutinous rice balls are derived from dumpling, and dumpling has a story.

(End of this chapter)

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