After the movie

Chapter 66 The Storm Rises

Chapter 66 The Storm Rises (Part [-])

Wu Yuwei smiled slightly and said: "Because of the words in the script, the scriptwriter actually wrote it very clearly. This script is called "Beauty's Heart". In fact, it is not only the heart of the concubine in the harem, but also the heart of Wuer. Wuer is the emperor's heart." The most memorable and the most beautiful when they were teenagers. The two grew up together as childhood sweethearts. In her heart, there is only selfless love. Of course, if Wuer really enters the palace, maybe it will change after a long time, but in Wuer In her short life, she didn't come into contact with any intrigue, all she came into contact with was beautiful, so her love was also the most beautiful, and her heart was naturally the most beautiful, so she was very happy to die for the young emperor, It is precisely because of this beauty that he can become the emperor's lifelong cinnabar mole."

"Well said." Zhao Li only clapped his hands, and then patted Ouyang Di on the shoulder: "I said what kind of luck is this for you, it doesn't count that you have a Xie Jifan, and now there is such a good newcomer, next time, I have The script, I must let her come to me to act in one."

"No problem, contact me when the time comes." Ouyang Di laughed.

Although Zhao Li persuaded them to stay for dinner, Auntie Wu still had to hurry, so she only left her contact number and left in a hurry.

Back at the crew, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. It is said that everyone should rest when there is no filming at this time, but Aimee Wu could hear Du Fei's roar from a long way away.

Wu Yuyu thought that Du Fei was filming a night scene, so she went there, but found that everyone was very anxious.

"What's the matter?" Aimee Wu hurriedly asked the staff beside her in a soft voice.

"Our props have been destroyed. Director Du is looking for the murderer." The staff naturally recognized Aimu Wu, so they replied softly.

Aimee Wu got to know the staff and found out that when Du Fei and the others went out in the morning, the props in the crew were still good. You must know that the props in the crew were all prepared in advance to prepare for the next scene. But when he came back, he found that all the props had been destroyed. This made Du Fei very angry. He was angry at the inattentiveness of the left-behind staff, and at the same time, he was also annoyed at someone's destruction.

Auntie Wu nodded, then the light glanced at Du Fei, and was taken aback for a moment, Du Fei's forehead glowed with a yellow light, it was clearly a villain, according to Du Fei's family background and ability, no one would fight against him, Then it can only be said that someone deliberately sabotaged it.

Wu Yuyu said to Liujiao: "Liujiao, I want to help Director Du."

"It's okay, you can help. You have more than 6000 power of faith points now, so there is no problem with small cases. If you help Du Fei, you will deduct [-] power of faith." Liu Jiao said directly.

"Fuck it." Aimee Wu was also refreshed. She would work so hard, but in her heart she didn't want to leave behind her family education, and she wouldn't foolishly help people regardless of the cost like in her previous life, but Du Fei He is sincerely kind to himself, so it is right to help him.

Auntie Wu secretly calculated with her fingers, glanced at Du Fei again, then nodded, knowing what she knew.

"Director Du." Aimin Wu walked over.

When Du Fei saw Aimu Wu, he suppressed his anger: "Aimi, you are back."

"Director Du, I have something to tell you." Wu Yuyu pointed here: "Change to a cleaner place."

Du Fei was also in a bad mood when he saw the mess, so he nodded and ordered the staff on the side to clean it up, and then said to Aimu Wu: "Let's go, let's go to the side to talk."

(End of this chapter)

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