After the movie

Chapter 741 Refuting the rumors

Chapter 741 Refuting the rumors ([-] more)
"Aimee, someone said that you bullied a contestant among the youth singers and didn't rate her because she resembled you and made you angry. Is it true?" The question asked by the reporter made Aimee Wu feel amused.

"As the judge teacher of the Youth Singer Finals, how can I deal with a singer because she resembles me? Who is so boring? I just said a word. I said that she has a good voice naturally, but the back voice is not enough. Yes Because the plastic surgery is too much.

You may not know that according to traditional Chinese medicine, there is a limit to the ability of a person's body to bear. The so-called parents who receive the body, hair and skin are the advice left by the older generation in ancient times. Let us protect our innate everything.

Although plastic surgery can make people beautiful, but plastic surgery will consume a person's energy, which will lead to physical damage, and because of this reason, the singer can't fully express his back voice, so not only I didn't give points, but Le Tian Wang No points were given, so the so-called me targeting a certain singer is pure nonsense. "

Wu Yuyu smiled after finishing speaking: "Okay, that's all for today, you should hurry up and interview others, otherwise Yinlong Shidi and Shihou will have to leave by then."

The reporters laughed and went to ask others.

"Aimee, you really have a way with reporters." Zheng Ai admired Aimu Wu's methods from the sidelines.

Aimee Wu smiled, without an angry expression at all: "Actually, it's not easy for reporters. Just like us actors, we actors have to work hard to perform a good work and get the audience's approval, and reporters are the same. Only the news can prove their working ability, what I can do is not to embarrass them within my scope, of course this is mutual, because I am like this, so they never thought of embarrassing me.”

This is true. As long as these reporters have something to write about, they will not ask other questions. Among all the actors and stars interviewed, Aimee Wu is undoubtedly the most cooperative and the best to get along with. She never takes her own identity To suppress someone, and every time they meet a reporter, they will always answer three questions, so the reporters also like Aimee Wu very much in private. In this way, what they write is full of the advantages of Aimee Wu, such as the online appearance of The rumor of framing Aimee Wu, soon a reporter expressed his opinion.

Title: Some different views on "The so-called hostages are safe and sound, and it is speculated that there is some kind of transaction in it".

Someone broke the news that a certain celebrity traded his body to obtain his life security. On this point, as a reporter, I have different opinions.

First of all, we can clearly say that this matter is aimed at the "beauty" Wu Yuyu who is the queen of the Golden Dragon Awards.There is no doubt about it.

I am a reporter. Since Wu Yuyu's debut, I have basically followed up and interviewed her for anything. This time she was taken away as a hostage, and I also followed up. Let's talk about the hostage first.

I don’t need to go into details about the incident. Everyone knows that it happened at the end of the Youth Singer Finals. There were more than 200 people in the arena, and the robbers had guns in their hands. Everyone who watched the live broadcast saw this. It has stabilized the flustered hearts. If you say that Wu Yuyu like this is using her body to make deals, who will believe it?

(End of this chapter)

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