After the movie

Chapter 753 Influence

Chapter 753 Influence ([-] more)
After Wu Yuyu said this, the two heads of fan groups on the side took the initiative to take on the responsibility of entertaining people. Although they said that they ate fast food, all the dishes in the fast food were delivered from five-star hotels. It can be seen that this The head of the fan group said that it is modest to have a restaurant at home.

While there was still time, Aimee Wu looked around: "Which one of you will play beheading with me."

"Beauty, you are really fascinated by this beheading." Some fans automatically took out their mobile phones to play the game with Aimee Wu, and the live broadcast was like this.

Auntie Wu's relaxed appearance has shocked many parents, and she only said to her children: "Look at Auntie Wu, her grades are so good while working here, you should learn from her."

"If you are as successful as Auntie Wu, I'll be smiling with my eyes closed."

Of course, not only these parents were moved, but also inspired a group of students by the way.

"Mom, I'm looking for a math tutor, and I'm going to be admitted to Imperial University in the future."

"Dad, our beauty is a top student, and I have to study hard, so hurry up and arrange a good teacher for me."

"Mom, I'm going to take the college entrance examination today, and I must take the entrance exam to God's Capital University like a beauty."


The spontaneous efforts of these children made the parents overjoyed, not only did they not stop them from chasing stars, but they supported them in various ways.As a result, the number of students applying for the college entrance examination at Imperial University this year increased by [-]% compared to previous years. Mou Qiu was very happy, but of course this is a story.

Because the papers for the senior year have not come yet, the fans who are interested specially went to ask someone to get some stools and chairs for the people present to sit and rest, and also sent a reclining chair to Aimee Wu. After playing games for a while, Aimee Wu simply Just lie down and sleep.

Many people have been taken care of, but the only one who hasn't been taken care of is Lin Xiaojia. After knowing how Lin Xiaojia treated Aimee Wu, it's not bad that all the fans didn't slap her twice, so she didn't have her share of food, drink, and even rest. Stools, the bodyguards behind her have them, but she doesn't have them, if you want to sit, that's fine, just sit on the floor, don't expect others to give you a seat.

After Wu Yuyu's junior test scores came out, Lin Xiaojia knew that everything was over for her, but Wu Yuyu took a leisurely rest at this time and was still waiting for her senior year's paper. She was a little confused about Wu Yuyu's thoughts.

After resting for about an hour and a half, I saw three principals rushing in with a file bag in their hands.

The live broadcast reporter hurried over: "Principal Mou, is this the test paper for the senior year?"

Mou Qiu nodded: "This is the fourth grade paper that we specially asked someone to transfer. We specially transferred it from the Department of Literature of the Imperial Law School. It is the paper for the preliminary examination years ago."

Mou Qiu looked at Aimu Wu and wanted to confirm again: "Student Aimu Wu, are you sure you want to challenge the senior test paper?"

"Yeah." Auntie Wu nodded, sometimes if troubles are not completely removed, they will grow back like weeds sooner or later.

"But there is one thing I must tell you, because I was worried that others would say that our school cheated on you, so I transferred the law school's preliminary test paper for March this year, which is last month, so it may be more difficult for you. " Mou Qiu said seriously, indeed, the school is different, and the things learned are also different.

"It's okay." Auntie Wu smiled indifferently: "The things I learned are complicated, it's okay." Since I plan to challenge the senior year, it doesn't matter if the difficulty increases.

(End of this chapter)

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