After the movie

Chapter 757 Wu Yuyu's Three Kills

Chapter 757 Wu Yuyu's Three Kills (Part [-])
"Slap." Auntie Wu slapped again: "This slap was for me. You say you are a rural girl, what kind of heart and guts are you eating? You want to deal with me. To put it bluntly, you are just jealous of me. But you are jealous of me, you dare to slander my innocence out of nothing, I will slap you as a reward for your slander, will you accept it?"

"Submit." Her face hurt, but Lin Xiaojia couldn't refuse at all, because what Auntie Wu said was true, so she was beaten, and she could only say "convince".

"Crack." The third palm came out, and Wu Yuyu said again: "The third palm is for your parents. Your parents have worked so hard to raise you up, feed you, wear you, and go to school, but how are you?" If you don’t learn, just try to learn some crooked ways, how can you be worthy of the parents who gave birth to you and raised you like this, whether you accept it or not.”

"I accept." Lin Xiaojia had tears in her eyes: "Aimee, I know I was wrong, let me go." At this moment, she really knew that she was wrong, at least it was an absolute mistake to offend Aimi Wu.

Wu Yuyu said with a smile: "Lin Xiaojia, you really think of me as the Holy Mother. If you cry like this, I will let you go. Have you ever thought that if you succeed in framing me, I will become a mouse that everyone shouts and beats?" , who would let me go then, now I just fight back because of your attack, you don't need to be so sad."

As she said that, Aimee Wu's face darkened again: "Lin Xiaojia, I want you to get out of Imperial University within one day, of course you can stay, as long as you also challenge the exams of junior, junior and senior, you are not required to be in the top three, as long as you It's enough to be in the top ten, if not, it's useless to keep a piece of trash like you, if you stay, I think you're going to make some kind of black-box deal."

"I don't." Lin Xiaojia shook her head, she wanted to stay, but she knew she couldn't.

Aimee Wu looked at the camera: "By the way, I never believed that Lin Xiaojia could say such a thing alone. No matter who is behind the scenes, listen to me. I, Aimee Wu, can't be moved by your words. You have the ability to frame me. Don't be surprised that I will retaliate against you, I will leave my words here today, I Wu Yuyu is easy to talk, but it does not mean cowardly, anyone who bullies my relatives, kill, anyone who bullies my lover, kill, anyone who bullies my friends, Kill. Come if you have the ability. As long as you can bear my killing."

Three kills did not mean killing, but everyone could feel the raging anger in Aimee Wu's heart.

'Looking at the beauty saying three kills, I feel so passionate, and I have a feeling that anyone who violates our country will be punished even if he is far away. '

'Relationships, lovers, and friends are the bottom line of a beauty, and I suddenly feel that a beauty is so great. '

'When a person lives in the world, he should learn from a beautiful woman. '

'The beauty becomes a relative and friend when she is angry, and her majesty becomes a beauty when she is angry. It really is a natural couple. '

'This Wu Yuyu is too arrogant, she even said to kill in front of the people of the whole country. '

'Honey, do you know the meaning of this killing? This is the beauty telling those who schemed against her that it is okay to deal with her, but it is not allowed to deal with her relatives, lovers and friends. Only then will the world be peaceful. '

'That is, fight for the bright side of the fight, and don't use petty tricks. '

"I despise people like Lin Xiaojia and slander beautiful women." '

'I think Aimee Wu's method is good. First, she used the facts to slap those people back, and then used methods to tell them not to frame her. '

(End of this chapter)

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