After the movie

Chapter 82 Officially Begins

Chapter 82 Officially Begins (Part [-])

Dear viewers, hello everyone, this is the scene of the seven finals and the top three finals of the Youth Feast. I am the host Nana. "The host Nana paused at this point: "Thanks to... and other units for their strong support. This event is divided into seven promotions and three finals, and the top three finals, so today's event is very exciting, because there are two . "

Nana continued: "The seven contestants who participated this time have gone through layers of selection, and have gone from [-] to today. Now I will introduce these seven contestants to you. Please watch the big video screen."

What appeared on the big video screen were screenshots of the last seven contestants, some highlights of each match, and each contestant’s video did not exceed 30 seconds. After the broadcast, Nana said: "Our seven contestants are ready Alright, for this tournament, their numbers will be drawn on the spot, now we will go to the backstage, hello, is the backstage host Junjun ready?"

"Hello, Nana, you're ready." A backstage scene appeared on the large video screen.

Seven people including Wu Yuyu sat in fixed positions in the backstage, and Jun Jun, the backstage host, took over Nana's host.

"Junjun, let's introduce the appearance of today's contestants to the audience." Nana said.

"Well, okay." Jun Jundao: "Everyone, audience, I am Jun Jun, the backstage live broadcast host. You should see that today's seven main players are already sitting behind me, waiting for today's players to come out. The lottery, today's lottery is very straightforward." Jun Jun said and took a glass box, which contained seven identical balls: "I have seven balls here, and each ball can be opened. After opening, there will be Numbers, according to the ranking of the last event, we draw a ball from No.1, and then open it to determine the order of appearance." After Jun Jun finished speaking to the audience, he faced seven players: "The seven players Are you ready?"

All seven contestants nodded and replied in unison: "It's ready."

"Okay, then we invite the No.1 Wu Yuyu from last time to draw first." Junjun said.

Wu Yuyu stepped forward, drew a ball, opened it, and wrote a number 6 on it.
"Very good, Wu Yuyu is the No. 6 contestant, please come up and draw in turn." Jun Jun said.

Zheng Yang came first, followed by Anna, Tian Xiaochun, Muta Gaga, Chen Boer, Liu Tian, ​​Gu Liucheng, and they came out soon.

Chen Boer No. 1, Zheng Yang No. 2 Tian Xiaochun No. 3, Gu Liusheng No. 4, Anna No. 5, Wu Yuyu No. 6, Liu Tian No. 7.

In this kind of competition, it is actually better to be ranked at the back. Relatively speaking, the pressure on the first place is really great.

"Okay, the order of our performances is out, Nana, I'll leave it to you." Jun Jun said.

"Okay." Nana agreed: "Thank you Junjun, next, let's take a short break, and in 2 minutes, the seven-seven-three competition will officially start.

2 minutes of preparation, the scene is naturally waiting, and people who watch the live broadcast at home usually see advertisements.

The 2-minute commercial was not long, and it passed quickly. Nana appeared again: "Everyone, everyone, this is the scene of the Youth Feast Seven Jinsan. This program is supported by... and other units. The theme of this competition is excitement. Following Nana's words, I saw the word "stimulation" on the big screen behind: "Next, we invite the first contestant, Chen Bo'er, to come on stage to perform his stimulation."

(End of this chapter)

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