After the movie

Chapter 998 Close-up

Chapter 998 Close-Up (Third)
"Close-up eyes, hurry up." Jin Tian shouted from the side.

That is to be quiet in your own world. What role will he have in the future? He has been the companion of Emperor Shengxuan since he was three years old, and walked with him, but now he can no longer accompany him. This useless body of his own , Is it still useful to keep it? Some of it is just to comfort the parents and the elderly.

Yu Sheng is very at a loss for the future, he doesn't know what else he can do, all he can do now is stare blankly at one thing.

At this time, the sound of birds was heard.

"Bird chirping." He raised his head slightly, followed the sound, and saw a bird's nest on an elm tree not far away, with a few small yellow heads appearing on it, wailing for milk, and the chirping sound seemed like a bird's nest. It was very clear, at this time, I saw a little green snake slowly going up, as if it was going to devour these newly born lives, his face changed, his hands clenched tightly, could life be so fragile.

At this time, there was a bird song, and two adult birds rushed down. They kept pecking at the snake. The little green snake fell off the tree trunk without paying attention.

"There is a snake here." Qin Chuan also saw it, and grabbed the snake by the seven inches: "Yes, you can also make medicinal wine. I'll let the kitchen handle it." After saying that, he left.

Yu Sheng didn't answer, he was very shocked at the moment.

Life may be fragile, but life is in your own hands. The birds on the tree are still young, but they are protected by adults. The birds don't know the danger, but the adults know it. When they know it, they can do nothing. , How could they not have thought that this is dangerous, but there is a so-called not to do something, knowing that the tiger mountain is dangerous, they prefer to go to the tiger mountain.

On the other hand, because I can't leave and I don't have martial arts anymore, I feel a little bit self-defeating. Don't I still have a brain? At least I am countless times smarter than these birds. I can't be a pioneer, but I can be a pusher behind the scenes, as long as I can help He, then my life is not wasted.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes have changed. The eyes that had no focal length before gradually began to focus on the focal length. Life has a goal. Although it is hard, he is willing to bear it. He can give everything for friendship in this life. What can he regret? At this moment, his breath changed.

"Yusheng." Qin Chuan came over and saw Yusheng's different aura.

Yu Sheng turned his head and looked at Qin Chuan. Perhaps Qin Chuan was the one who felt the most uncomfortable in his accident. He wanted to take care of the emperor and himself. He smiled, this time it was not a perfunctory smile, but a gentle smile. A transformed smile: "It's good to be alive."

He came back to life, and Qin Chuan's eyes instantly filled with tears: "Yu Sheng, you finally came back to life."

"I kept you waiting for a long time." Yu Sheng smiled warmly: "From now on, I will no longer be Major General Yu Sheng, I will be Counselor Yu."

Qin Chuan understood that Yu Sheng himself was an all-round talent in both civil and military affairs. Now that he has gone to martial arts, he still has a body of literature. The counselors practice cunning tricks, but this is a place where he can show his talent.

"Card." Looking at the effect on the side, Director Jin was quite satisfied: "Not bad, not bad, take a rest."

After Wu Yuyu interpreted the complex emotions of the whole Yusheng, she went to the side to rest, drinking water while resting, and Malianna came over, and Malianna just joined the group. She was going to play the queen of Emperor Daqing.

(End of this chapter)

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