Silly King Chasing His Wife Difficulty

Chapter 41 042: Kicked by 1 kick

Chapter 41 042: Kicked Flying

Little Tangyuan stretched out her hand to caress her forehead, his mother is really good at everything, but Dudu is very greedy for money.

Therefore, as long as she sees the money, Shang Jiuyun's whole body is as if he has been beaten to death.

I was so excited that I almost flew up.

"Can you calm down?"

When those bottles of pills were brought to the auction stage, there was a lot of excitement outside.

The ghost doctor's pills are hard to come by. Before every auction, they only took one bottle or one pill, but this time they suddenly took out three bottles. How could these people not be overwhelmed.

Although I was a little curious in my heart, are these pills real or fake?

But I feel that I must be thinking too much, I can buy fake medicines anywhere, but this ghost market is absolutely non-existent.

Therefore, it makes people more convinced that these three bottles of elixir are genuine.

"Now we are starting to auction the first bottle of Profound Gathering Pill. There are ten pills in this bottle, and the starting price is ten gold bars." The bidder said.

One gold bar is one thousand gold coins, ten is ten thousand.

Therefore, the elixir inside is actually a thousand gold coins.

Shang Jiuyun frowned slightly, the starting price was probably too low.

"Twenty gold bars." However, as soon as the bidder's voice fell, someone gathered the number plate in his hand and shouted.

Then there were many bids, and the price rose from ten gold bars to one hundred gold bars in an instant.

The corners of Shang Jiuyun's mouth hooked slightly, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

Originally, she was wondering if the starting price was too low, but when she saw the enthusiasm of these people, she knew that she must have made a lot of money today.

This is only one bottle.

"Mother, your elixir is really valuable." Xiao Nuomi approached Shang Jiuyun's side, suppressing her voice to the bottom.

"That's natural, and I don't want to see who made it." Xiao Tangyuan rarely had such a proud look at this time.

So when he showed this expression, Shang Jiuyun couldn't help but look more.

"Let's keep watching." Shang Jiuyun glanced at Si Moyang, although he had been sitting quietly, holding a plate of pastries to eat.

But Shang Jiuyun still didn't want too many people to know her identity.

Who knows if this idiot will say anything unscrupulously and reveal that she is a ghost doctor.

While they were talking, the first bottle of elixir was sold for 240 gold bars. As for who won the auction, Shang Jiuyun was not interested in knowing.

Immediately after the auction of the second bottle, the people present began to feel a little dissatisfied.

"Why not auction one by one, the potion of the ghost doctor's medicine is ten times more effective than other alchemists, which makes it too unfair to auction one."

They don't have that much money for a whole bottle auction. Isn't this kind of auction just for those who don't have enough money?
"That's right, we also want to shoot." Shang Lingle couldn't help but make a sound.

Although she has only obtained one pill from the ghost doctor so far, that one pill has improved her cultivation a lot.

Shang Jiuyun blinked, and Xiao Nuomi approached her again, whispering, "Mother, if she knows that this medicine is from your hand, will she be so angry that she vomits blood."

"It's hard to say, she has a thick skin." Shang Jiuyun shook his head, this is really not guaranteed.

For a thick-skinned person like Shang Lingle, if he knew, it's hard to guarantee that he wouldn't come to her to ask for it.

After discussing with the group of people in charge, they finally complied with everyone's request and divided up the pills and auctioned them off one by one.

The second bottle is Yanyan Pill. Every time you take one pill, you will be five years younger, and your skin will be tender and smooth. It is the holy product that almost all women hope for.

When the bidder said this, the eyes of those who came to participate in the auction began to glow red.

It's just some men with bright eyes.

This Zhuyan Dan can actually be used by men, who wouldn't want to look five years younger?
Some people also want to take it back to their wives. What kind of feeling does it feel to see their wives who have aged over the years become beautiful again?
Therefore, as soon as Zhuyan Pill was taken out, the place below was even more boiling than before, and they all thought why there were only five pills?

The first one made several daughters of aristocratic families scratch their heads.

Naturally, Shang Lingle was also among them, and five pieces were auctioned off.

Shanglingle didn't get any of them, mainly because they yelled higher and higher prices.

The first auction started with one gold bar, and in the end it was sold for 43 gold bars. Naturally, the price of the next few bars was about the same.

The five Zhuyan Pills sold for 220 four gold bars directly, and the last bottle of Huixuan Pill sold for 350 gold bars. Today's ghost market auction is completely over.

Although Shang Jiuyun didn't shoot anything, he was the one who gained the most.

Satisfied, Shang Jiuyun got up and walked downstairs with the two children.

After the transaction was successful, the ghost market was no more than a cup of tea, and put all the gold bars into Shang Jiuyun's black diamond card.

"Mother, the money has arrived."

The black diamond card is a unique card in the ghost market. It is a bit like a shuttle. Just enter the serial number on the black diamond card on the spar, and the gold bars can be transferred to the person's black diamond card in an instant.

"Yeah!" Shang Jiuyun smiled and nodded.

The efficiency of the ghost market has always been her favorite point, and she never procrastinates in giving money.

As long as the other party pays, Guishi will give her the money as soon as possible, so this is why Shang Jiuyun loves doing business with Guishi the most.

"Mother, why don't you sell these things in Yupinju?"

Xiao Nuomi doesn't quite understand that Yupinju is Shang Jiuyun's own front shop, if it is in Yupinju, there is no need to give the other party a commission.

Isn't this better?
"Although Yupinju is also a national chain, its reputation is not as good as that of the ghost market, and my mother has saved a lot of trouble." At the beginning, Shang Jiuyun chose the ghost market because of his fancy.

At the beginning, Yupinju had just started, even if her elixir was sold in it, I am afraid that it would not get such a reaction from the ghost market.

The commission from the ghost market is only one tenth each time, which is a drop in the bucket for her.

Although Yupinju can be regarded as mysterious now, it cannot be compared with the ghost market anyway.

"Oh!" Xiao Nuomi half understood.

Since the first elixir was auctioned at a high price in the ghost market, she has become a guest in the ghost market.

When going there for the second time, the other party directly gave the ghost order owned by the supreme ghost city.

This is an honor only given to the first-level manager of the ghost city.

Shang Jiuyun has always been like this, when others respect her one point, she naturally returns three points.

"Big sister..." Shang Jiuyun's carriage was stopped by Shang Lingle as soon as the carriage drove out of the ghost city street.

Shang Jiuyun raised his eyebrows slightly, is this Shang Lingle going to end?
Why are you running here again?

Shang Jiuyun really found her annoying, but at this time the carriage was stopped by her and had to stop.

Seeing the carriage stop, Shang Lingle jumped onto the carriage and just raised the curtain to get in, but was kicked away by Si Moyang.


(End of this chapter)

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