Chapter 1228 City Tournament Champion! (Second more)

Two days later, it was time for the city competition finals.

Although the strength of the last team will not be very strong, Luo Xia and the others are still preparing carefully.

In the past two days, they have also studied several new lineups, and their style of play has also changed.

After all, the game is not a matter of one person, even if a substitute is added, it will affect the whole body.

Not to mention that like Luo Xia and Zhao Hao, they even exchanged positions.

However, just when the few people were actively preparing, and the preparation was almost done, an unexpected thing happened.

The other team in the final even abstained!
When the match party released the news, even the audience was stunned.

But thinking about it, it seems reasonable.

The strength of this team is not even as good as that of the FAE team, it is the strength of a normal urban hegemony team.

Even the FAE team was brutally abused by Luo Xia and the others, and they were pushed out of the base within ten minutes. How could they win?
Being abused is a blow to morale in vain, it is better to abstain directly.

After all, even if they abstain now, they are still a runner-up, and they can still qualify for LSPL.

Hearing that the opponent team had abstained, Luo Xia and the others were a little bit dumbfounded.

But the matter has come to this point, and several people still accept this fact.

On the podium, when several people held up the sign with the 20 bonus in their hands, everyone had smiles on their faces.

So what if there is no sponsorship, what about the suppression of the EAF team.

LSPL, here we come! ! !
After the city competition ended, the team took a short vacation.

There is still about a month before the start of the LSPL. Before the intense training and competition, there must be a buffer time for rest.

Of course, this little vacation will not be very long.

Jin Yuena took advantage of this time to return to the group to handle affairs.

She knew that if she never went back, the pressure on Luo Zhixuan's shoulders would be great.

There were some matters that Luo Zhixuan could not handle well, so she had to come in person.

A few days later, an explosive news caught the attention of several people.

President Jiang of Xincheng University was dismissed for making a major mistake!

If there is only this item, perhaps it will only surprise a few people.

But another piece of news completely shocked several people.

Luo Hai, as the president of Xincheng University!

When Luo Xia saw the news, he even dropped his cell phone to the ground immediately.

And after he rubbed his eyes and confirmed several times, he finally confirmed that he was right.

Because not only Luo Hai's name was on the news, but also Luo Hai's photo!
Luo Xia, how could he admit his mistake!
After a long period of astonishment, Luo Xia finally came back to his senses.

"This goblin, I seem to owe her another favor..." Luo Xia whispered to himself.

In his impression, only Jin Yuena can do all this.

When Ke Bei mentioned this that day, Jin Yuena said there would be no problem.

Luo Xia didn't think much about it at the time, but thinking about it now, Jin Yuena was planning to do something at that time.

Seeing this news, Luo Xia suddenly thought of something, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, the user you dialed is currently on the phone, please try again later."

Hearing this voice, Luo Xia couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Eh? The line is busy?"

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xia called again.

But this time, it was still the same prompt.

At the third time, Luo Xia finally got through.

"Sister, who were you calling just now?"

"Xiao Xia, who were you calling just now?"

After the call was connected, two voices rang almost simultaneously.

Luo Xia froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

"Puhaha, sister, we really have a good understanding."

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Luo Zhixuan on the other end of the phone also understood, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Just now, two people must have called each other at the same time, so the line was busy.

Luo Zhixuan asked softly: "Xiao Xia, did you also see that news?"

"Well, of course I saw it, sister, why don't you take a leave of absence, how about we help dad celebrate together?" Luo Xia said expectantly.

Luo Zhixuan smiled slightly, and said: "There's no need to ask for leave, the president gave me a short vacation during this period, and I just have time."

Hearing this, Luo Xia said with surprise on his face, "Really, that monster... Cough, your CEO is really a good person."

Luo Zhixuan smiled and said: "Of course the president is very nice, Xiao Xia, let's set a time, when do you have time?"

"I have time anytime, the sooner the better, Sis, I miss you!" Luo Xia said excitedly.

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Luo Zhixuan couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

After a while, she said softly, "Well, I miss you too..."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Xia immediately started to prepare.

At the same time, this news also shocked a person!

In the top office of Piao Piao Yu TV, Yu Mantang was absent-minded for a long time when he saw the news.

After the last appraisal result came out, he immediately investigated Luo Xia's information.

At this moment, how could he not recognize Luo Hai.

He originally thought that he had already let go of this matter, and he didn't want to disturb Luo Xia's life, let alone plan to meet Luo Xia.

However, when he saw Luo Hai's photo, he unconsciously thought of Luo Xia again.

He found that he really couldn't let go completely.

Yu Mantang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"My son, what should I do..."

Luo Xia and Luo Zhixuan set the time for the next morning. When Luo Zhixuan came, she already had a lot of things in her hands.

Seeing this, Luo Xia directly volunteered to bring them all over.

Anyway, he has great strength, and it's a child's play to carry this thing, he is not willing to let Luo Zhixuan carry it.

After looking through the things Luo Zhixuan bought, Luo Xia said: "Sister, why is there no wine?"

Luo Zhixuan smiled slightly, and said: "Xiao Xia, you forgot, Dad never drinks."

"But without wine, the taste of celebration will be much worse."

After thinking for a while, Luo Xia said: "How about we go buy a bottle of wine, drinking it will be good for your health."

Luo Zhixuan didn't refute either, and just followed Luo Xia's wishes.

Walking on the road, Luo Zhixuan wanted to help Luo Xia carry things several times, but Luo Xia refused.

In desperation, she could only walk behind, watching Luo Xia swaying her arms proudly like a child.

When she looked at Luo Xia, there was always a trace of tenderness unconsciously.

This, even she herself did not realize.

Soon, after the two bought a bottle of wine in a large supermarket on the roadside, they walked towards the school.

However, the two of them didn't know that Yu Mantang had already arrived at Xincheng University at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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