Chapter 1429 It's a bit deep! (first update)
Luo Xia's wave of jumping over the tower finally broke out.

At the same time, it also means the outbreak of first blood on the field!
And with the eruption of the first blood, the audience completely boiled!
"Damn, first blood, Zac took the first blood on the field!"

"This wave of confrontation between the two sides of the tower is really exciting!"

"666, I almost forgot that Zac still has this split, this can delay the defense tower a lot of time!"

"That's right, maybe, it's possible for this wave of princes to leave."

"If it's a one-for-one exchange, I still get a blood. This wave is not a loss!"


In the auditorium, the audience started to discuss and were amazed at the confrontation between the two sides just now.

Whether it was Pan Sen's handling of the tower at the beginning, or Zach and the prince's handling of this wave, they were all extremely good.

Whether it's detailed operations or skill control, they are all accurate to the point of a millimetre.

This wave of confrontation is really exciting!

"This wave of tower jumping by the Lxsky team is really exciting, and the operational reactions of both sides have been brought to the extreme."

On the commentary stage, Su Chunyu said: "After the ice was slowed down by the prince, Kieran accelerated the ice immediately, and at the same time, the W skill reduced the CD double bomb and wanted to control Zach, but Zack dodged it directly!"

"You may not know that the second stage of Zac's Q skill is used as a basic attack. After Zac's first Q skill holds the ice, Zilan has a reverse running operation, precisely because of this."

"However, Zac still used the defensive tower to trigger the second stage to kill the ice. The detail handling and reaction ability are perfect to the extreme!"

After Su Chunyu finished speaking, the audience couldn't help but burst into exclamation.

For an unpopular hero like Zac, not all viewers understand its skill characteristics.

This is also how many people know that Zac's second Q skill is a basic attack.

It's no wonder that Kieran's reverse running operation just now made people feel a little inexplicable, it turned out to be because of this!
Many people also admired Chen He in their hearts.

As expected of a well-known support player of a veteran team, his reaction is fast!

Of course, most of them admire Luo Xia.

Chen He had already reacted so quickly, but Luo Xia still had a solution in an instant, and forcibly killed Cang Hailangchen.

This kind of reaction and calmness is terrifying!
At this time, Ye Bing'er also said: "This wave of prince's squatting back is also very eye-catching."

"The timing of the prince's back squatting was very good. He avoided the eye position of the river. It was when Han Bing and Kieran chose to retreat that they got stuck in the field of vision and squatted on the grass. They were completely caught off guard!"

What Ye Binger said was right, Chen He had already set his sights on the river in order to guard against the prince.

But he never expected that Flying Eagle would choose the line of sight of the blocking pawns and fight out from the grass on the road.

If it was before, the prince would definitely not have such an opportunity.

Before, they had been pressing down on the prince to fight, even if the prince wanted to block his vision, he couldn't get stuck at all, and he would be directly spotted by the soldiers.

And now that the prince appeared there, it was obvious that after they pushed down the tower just now, Pan Sen pushed back the line of soldiers, and the prince squatted there.

The timing was perfect!

In addition to the fact that Su Chunyu had analyzed Pan Sen before leaving after Pan Sen climbed the tower, the handling of Bo Zac, the prince and Pan Sen was so perfect that it couldn't be more perfect.

After Su Chunyu and Ye Binger finished speaking, Jokkr almost complained silently in his heart.

As for what, you guys are blowing up your boyfriends to the sky!
But Jokkr also has to admit that Luo Xia and Feiying are indeed very powerful.

In the situation just now, I am afraid that any commentary will be blown to the sky.

After Han Bing was killed, he looked at the four fragments that Zac had broken into, and Jokkr said: "Although Zac killed Han Bing, Zach can't go anymore."

"In the early stage, Zac had to rely on passive rebirth. With a full 8-second CD, the defense tower and Kieran's damage made it impossible for Zac to regenerate."

Hearing Jokkr's words, the audience couldn't help but nodded inwardly.

That's right, the time for Zac's passive resurrection in the early stage was too long. In this situation, I'm afraid his head will have to be handed over.

After Jokkr finished speaking, Su Chunyu couldn't help smiling, and said, "Whether Zack will be resurrected or not, Kieran probably won't attack Zack."

Hearing what Su Chunyu said, Jokkr couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and the audience didn't understand for a while.

The smile on the corner of Su Chunyu's mouth remained undiminished, and he said, "Before Han Bing died in battle, he gave Zach an A with a very quick reaction."

"If Zac is killed by the defense tower, Hanbing is the last hero to attack Zac, so the head will be awarded to Hanbing."

"And if Kieran attacks Zac, the head will be taken by Kieran, and Zac took the first blood of Ice, and if the WSF side takes the head by the support, the WSF team will be bloody!"

Hearing Su Chunyu's words, Jokkr finally fully understood.

That's right, if it's a one-for-one exchange, Zac takes the kill, while the WSF team takes the kill as an assist, and Han Bing only has one assist.
The WSF team really went to grandma's house!

Nodding his head, Jokkr said: "In this case, it seems that Kieran will not attack Zac's pieces."

After Jokkr finished speaking, Su Chunyu shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, the attack speed of the defense tower is 0.83. If the defense tower is allowed to destroy Zac's four fragments, it will take 5 seconds."

"These 5 seconds are enough for the prince to play a good output on Kieran. With Kieran's blood volume, it will be very dangerous at that time."

Hearing what Su Chunyu said, Jokkr couldn't help being startled.

Later, he became more and more admirable for Su Chunyu, who almost had an encyclopedia in her brain, and she could notice such details.

That's right, if Kieran didn't attack Zac's fragment and let the defense tower knock it down, the head could certainly be awarded to Han Bing.

But in this case, Kieran will have to bear the prince's attack for 5 seconds longer. When Zac and the prince output ice, Kieran will be affected a lot.

In addition, Kieran was ignited by Pan Sen before, and the healing effect of Ice was also halved, and his blood volume is not very healthy now.

If he suffers more from the prince's output, maybe Kieran will die here!

And if Kieran cooperates with the defense tower to destroy Zac's fragments first, the damage from the defense tower can be transferred to the prince. At that time, the prince will not dare to cross Kieran's tower, and Kieran will be safe.

But in this way, the head was given to Kieran, not Ice.

This is really a difficult choice!

At this time, Jokkr felt more and more.
Luo Xia and the others' tricks are really deep!

(End of this chapter)

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