Chapter 1458 Life and death fight! (Second more)
Canghailangchen always bears the title of the number one AD in the national server.

And today's battle may be the strongest battle he has faced in his career!
Luo Xia and the others have never come to catch the bottom lane. Of course, they meant to believe in their own bottom lane combination, but in it, why didn't they mean to respect him?
Let the two sides have a fair duel, which is the best respect for him.

Just now the mantis just scared Nunu away, didn't it also have a sense of intimidation and warning?

Obviously, Luo Xia and the others didn't want the duel between the bottom laners to be disturbed in the slightest.

Having figured this out, Cang Hailangchen's gaze shone with a trace of sharpness and determination.

Since this is the case, how can he not get up to 120 points!

Because the bottom lane is two people sharing experience, the speed of leveling up will be slower than the other two lanes.

Now the heroes on both sides of the bottom lane are only level four.

Glancing at Delevingne and EZ on the opposite side, Cang Hai Langchen said: "Chen He, wait for me to drive, find a chance to fight!"

The strengths and weaknesses of the heroes of both sides and the period of strength, Cang Hailangchen has already analyzed countless times in his heart.

For them, the sixth level is an absolutely strong period.

With Luo's ultimate move, a R flash to start the group strongly, is invincible.

After Xia has a big move at level six, her damage and control ability will also be greatly improved.

Once they reach level six, they will usher in a qualitative leap!

On the other hand, if Draven and EZ reach level six, the effect of the two big moves in the confrontation is not very obvious.

In particular, EZ's ultimate move has a short-term charge. If you fight, this time is very fatal.

Therefore, Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan will definitely not wait until they reach the sixth level to fight, they will definitely fight before the sixth level.

The most likely one is at the fifth level!
At level five, neither side had ever returned home, and Draven possessed a level three Q skill, which did far more damage than Xia.

Although Xia's Q skill was also upgraded to level three at that time, the frequency of using the skill was still not comparable to that of Ping A. Obviously Draven's damage benefit was higher.

In addition, the fifth-level EZ has a third-level Q skill, and the damage will be significantly increased.

The sixth level is the strong period of Canghai Langchen and Chen He, and the fifth level is the strong period of Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan!

They wouldn't be so stupid as to wait until level six to fight Cang Hailangchen and the others, they would definitely choose to fight at level five.

And the waves of the sea will not be so stupid as to wait until they are in the strong stage of the fifth level before fighting with them!

The best time is at the fourth level.

Take advantage of their unpreparedness, act first!

The two sides have been making up damage in the bottom lane. In addition to trying their best to suppress each other, they are also looking for opportunities and waiting for the opponent's mistakes.

But Cang Hailangchen already knew by now that Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan handled all the details impeccably, and they couldn't find any mistakes at all.

On their side, there were no mistakes that Lu Shiyan and Ling Yan could take advantage of.

If you want to tell the winner, you must rely on life and death!
When life and death are fought, the test is not whether there are mistakes or not, but the most extreme and accurate handling of details and operations by both parties at that moment.

Even sometimes, even if you didn't make any mistakes in handling, as long as the other party's handling is better than yours at that moment, you have already lost.

Life and death fight, win, win.

If you lose, you lose!

Cang Hailangchen's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly figured out the stakes, and quickly judged the best time to attack.

After he finished speaking, Chen He also nodded his head, concentrating to the extreme.

Regarding Cang Hailangchen's decision, Chen He has never had any refutation, and this wave, he also thinks it is a good opportunity to start fighting.

The situation in the bottom lane has been deadlocked, and now no one has the chance to return to the city, and neither side will let the other side return to the city.

Besides, if they return to the city, Delevingne's equipment income will be higher than Xia's, and they will never tolerate such a thing happening.

Before both sides return to the city to update their equipment, the best chance to fight is at level four!
It seems that they have noticed the invisible tension in the bottom lane, and the camera of the game just moved to the bottom lane at this time.

"Double blade!"

Canghai Langchen played a Q skill ahead of time, leaving two feathers on the ground.

Watching Delevingne's position, his eyes were more focused than ever before.

Finally, at a certain moment, his gaze suddenly became sharp, and he controlled Xia to launch a basic attack suddenly!
Afterwards, he almost calculated the trajectory of the general attack, and at the moment when the three feathers took shape, he directly controlled Xia to use an E skill!

"Sharp the axe!"

"call out!"

Almost at the same time, Lu Shiyan's Draven flashed an E, directly dodging Xia's E skill.

At the same time, Delevingne's E skill also directly slows Xia down!
"Grand debut!"

"Bloody sprint!"

"The essence is leaping!"

"Secret shot!"



Immediately afterwards, four normal skills plus two summoner skills, a total of six skills were used almost simultaneously.

Visually, there is no sequence at all!
The moment Draven fell to the ground in a flash of E, Luo directly rushed towards Luo with a W skill.

And Delevingne activated his W skill in an instant, relying on the instant acceleration, he dodged abruptly!

Luo's W skill has a short delay, and at the moment the E flash ended, Draven took advantage of this short delay and used his W skill to avoid it!
And the moment Delevingne E flashed to the ground before, EZ had already released a W skill to Delevingne.

The landing point happened to be where Delevingne E flashed to the ground.

In such a short period of time, the two of them didn't have time to communicate well, which meant that Ling Yan already knew where Delevingne would flash, and directly gave the prediction W!

At the same time, one of EZ's Q skills hit Xia's body accurately.

And Delevingne and Xia used ignition and healing almost at the same time!
That's right, Delevingne brought ignition in this round, which was extremely fierce.

But in the flash fight just now, the audience couldn't judge at all, whether Draven gave Xia the ignition first, or Xia used the treatment first!

It's not just them, even the audience who watched the game through the live broadcast, I'm afraid they won't be able to tell whose summoner skills are ahead in this wave without replaying in slow motion.

I'm afraid the contestants can't judge by themselves!
Seeing the scene on the big screen, the audience was a little confused.

Are the hand speeds of these people monsters?
In such a short period of time, it came to the point of life and death, and the operation exploded instantly.

I'm afraid it's not a reaction, it's an instant muscle memory!

(End of this chapter)

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